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4 Months Later

Danis POV

I open my eyes and look at Caitlin's limp body. Nothing has changed, she is still in the coma. Harry was forced to go back on tour after a month of being away. He was so angry because he had to leave her. I have hardly left. I go home once a week to get new clothes for the following week. A lot hasn't changed with Caitlin but a lot has with me. My eating has become very minimal. I dropped out of uni and I haven't even looked at the pastry shop. Oh yeah and I slept with Eric. That was the worst thing I've done. It was about a month ago when I was at my worst. I got really drunk and then it sort of happened. But as soon as it was over I picked up my clothes and told him to leave me alone. I haven't seen him since and I want to keep it that way. I haven't spoken to Louis since we broke up and I doubt I will for a while. Every time I hear his voice or his name or think of him I get chest pains that are unbearable.

"You're up!" Kelly smiles walking into the room. She is Caitlin's nurse, she has reddy hair and hazel eyes. She is quite pretty. "Here you go." She says handing me some food.

"You don't have to get me food, it isn't like I'm your patient." I tell her.

"If you don't eat then you will be." She replies shoving the food into my hands. I put it in my lap and start playing with it. "Hey I know you are upset and you feel like everything is shit, but she will wake up, she will get better, you can't just shut everything out and start slowly killing yourself." Kelly says and I nod my head slightly as the doctor walks in.

"Dani, still here I see." He says smiling at me. He isn't very old, I would say only a few years older than me. He has blonde hair with blue eyes, and he is British.

"Wes, you say that every morning." I sigh putting down the food as Kelly walks out the room wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Still not eating? You know I will spoon feed you." He replies and gives me a smile.

"You also say that every morning." I reply and put an apple slice in my mouth. The apple tastes like shit. "You have such shit food here." I say putting the tray on the table and pushing it further away from me.

"Here have this." He says handing me an oaty slice.

"No this is yours, you need all the energy you can get to look after your patients." I reply shaking my head.

"And you need something to eat." He sighs sitting down next to me. He gives me the bar and I open it up. I snap a bit off and it starts crumbling. I hand him the other half and he sighs and takes it. I look up at him and give him a small smile. He is really quite attractive, and I actually like him, but thinking about him in that way as Caitlin is sitting in a coma makes me feel like a horrible person. I avert my gaze from him and look at caitlin.

"Will she wake up? Or are you just telling us she will to keep us hopeful?" I ask Wes.

"It is possible that she wakes up, but it is also possible that she won't, we just have to wait." He says taking my hand and giving it a small squeeze. His pager goes off and he stands up and leaves. I see my phone buzz and see its a text from Harry.

From Harry: Anything?

From Dani: Nope, still just sleeping.

Harry and my conversations are pretty much only that. Niall and I talk for a tiny bit but not a lot and Liam and I rarely speak to each other. I look out the window into the hospital and see Caitlin's mum and Dad. They have only been here for the last month or so. They have really started to annoy me. I see them talking to Wes and I stand up and join them.

"We want to sign them." Dean says.

"You know what this means." Wes replies and I can tell he doesn't want them to sign the papers.

Pastry Shop 2 (L.T)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora