7 Months

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***3 months later***

Danis POV

7 months seven moths Caitlin has been in a coma. 7 months since I felt genuinely happy. 7 months since I have had a proper sleep. 7 extremely long excruciating month. And still nothing has changed. Except the fact her fucked up parents keep trying to sign the life support papers so they can kill their only daughter. 7 months. Seven.

Even though it has been seven draining months I will not give up on her. I will fight her parents to not sign the papers for as long as I possibly can. They can kick me out her room as much as they want but I will always come back, they can yell at me and tell me I don't understand but I do. I understand to the full extent on what they are doing. I'm nearly fucking 21 I think I understand what they are trying to do. I understand that they think they are helping Caitlin. But they aren't, she wouldn't want to die. She is only 20 she hasn't lived the life she deserves. Her parents shouldn't have a right to just kill her.

I walk into mine and Caitlin's apartment and sit down in front of the couch I rest my back on the couch and let out a sigh. It is one of the few times I have actually been here at night. But Fi won't let me in the room with Caitlin when she is there. Plus I am sure the nurses are starting to hate me, but I don't really care about them. The house is empty, and quiet and feels very foreign to me. I pull out my phone and find Nialls number and call him. Hoping he will pick up from what ever country he is in. But as always he doesn't. I call Liam and I straight away go to voice mail. What is wrong with these boys? I don't even bother calling Harry because I don't feel right telling him that I am fighting to keep caitlin alive while her parents are trying to kill her. Before I know it I find my self calling a number I didn't think I would be calling in a very long time.

"Hello?" The voice asks through the phone, sounding tired and like I just woke them up.

"It's me... Danielle... I am sorry if I woke you up... I just didn't know who else to call." I say as tears well up.

"Are you ok?" My mum asks and I let out a sob.

"No." I cry into the phone.

"What is wrong sweetheart?" She asks.

"I don't have anyone and I can't do it anymore... I am alone and exhausted, I'm so exhausted, in every way possible. I just I don't know how long I can do this for, I've got nothing and no one and it is just so god damn hard." I tell her.

"You know I am always here for you, I love you... Now why are you thinking you have no one? Caitlin is just in a coma." My mum says and I cry harder.

"No her parents are trying to sign papers to get her off life support, and I have been trying to stop them... But I'm so tired, I'm tired of her parents I'm tired of my parents I am tired of Caitlin being in a coma and my work calling me every day and I'm tired of having to lie to harry to make sure he doesn't just fall to pieces... I'm tired of missing Louis. Am I am tired of being tired." I tell her. "I'm just so tired."


I run my hand through my hair and lazily walk towards Caitlin's room. I feel like a zombie or a ghost or both... I feel like a ghost zombie. I walk out the elevators and sluggishly walk down the corridor. I start hearing fast repetitive beeps and see they are coming from Caitlin's room. I watch as nurses and doctors pull out her cart and rush out the room and out of my sight. I fell my whole body go numb. Please don't leave me. Is all that is going through my head. I see Fi and see she is emotional as soon as she meets my gaze I see her eyes turn to hatred and anger. I avert my eye sight and see Wes. He gives me a sad look and know something bad happened to her. I turn around and walk to the elevators. Everything is a blur and numb and I feel nothing.

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