My bullying story

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So this starts out when I was really little.

As you guys know, I have ADD, with that, came a huge appetite.

All I wanted to do was eat.

I would scream at my mom for food.

With this huge appetite, came a lot of weight gain.

I was obese, basically.

Now, fast forward into 4th grade

This was the first year that I had my medicine for my ADD and this was the year that my diet was the most normal

But this year was the worst yet

I was bullied so much this year, because of my weight.

I remember being called a fat pig to my face and many other things that I can't repeat with out crying

I was in the counselors office almost everyday

So many other things but the most vivid was the one time someone stoke up for me

It was my teacher

We were doing a project and the kids were throwing paper, pencils and many other things at me

I ran to my teacher in tears and asked to go to the counselor

She turned around and said very loudly to the kids that were bullying me

"Is this what you meant to do to her? Make her cry?"

I have never and will never forget that moment

It doesn't sound like much but to me it was so much

I wasn't confident at all at that age

Now entering middle school

6th grade was kinda bad

Again, being picked on for my weight

But 7th grade was pretty bad

For a while, at lunch I wasn't eating at all

The kids at the table next to us, noticed that and decided to throw food at me

I remember one of the kids threw a carrot at me and it hit me right in the eye

I went to the nurse and got it fixed

Now, I struggle with eating sometimes

I once hadn't eaten in almost a week

I've eaten a bit more but still struggle with it

I am a very confident girl now and I'm proud to be the person I am

I hope you guys liked this because I felt like I just needed to get this out

Love y'all

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