I took a deep breath before placing my hand on the doorknob expecting him to be standing right by the door I was cautious making sure I wouldn't run into him I slowly stepped out the bathroom and looked around the room.

He was gone?

I let out a slow breath, happy that I wouldn't have to deal with it.

I looked at the messy bed wincing at the sight of it, but still collapsed onto it one leg hanging off the bed and hands sprawled out. I shoved my face in the pillow and inhaled the lingering smell of him.

It was so quiet.

The silence was broken, shattering around me with the sound of sirens, wailing throughout the entire building, I squealed and put my hands over my ears, my face contorting at the sound.

I stood up face, my bare feet quickly walking over to the door jiggling the doorknob to find it locked. I pressed my palms deeper into my ears and whined- kicking my foot against the door.

He locked the door?

"OLIVER", I yelled over the alarms, goosebumps rose on my skin and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck, I took my hands off my ears and looked over my shoulder at the small window and took a deep breath.

They're here.

"Adara they're here, we have to go", Oliver yelled when he opened the door nearly slamming it into me, he stepped into the room and held his hand out to me and I didn't hesitate to grab it running behind him, ignoring the pain against my bare feet.

"Why did you lock the door?", I asked when he stopped to glance around the corner quickly then he dragged me behind him while he ran to another corner.

"Is that seriously what you're worried about right now?", He said dragging me down, putting his back against the wall trying to be all stealth like.

"Oh yeah, I'll worry about what exactly we are running fro-oh", I said being cut off by him dragging me further down the hall.

"My sister", He said looking at me over his shoulder.

"How wonderful, family bonding", I looked behind my back.

"She found us, which means she found you, and now we're running", He said with a sarcastic smile.

"And no that's not what we should be worrying about, we need to talk about last night", He said and I rolled my eyes.

"We are under attack Oliver!", I yelled and he ran behind another corner this time I had to keep up with him because he released his death grip from my arm.

"The thing is, I was meant to protect you, which obviously didn't work because I let my feelings get in the way and now they found us"

"Feelings?", I repeated without even processing.


"Now ignite", He said.


Then he kissed me, my body nearly blew up in flames as soon as his lips were on mine, everything inside of me was screaming to pull away, despite what I should've done, I wrapped my arms around his neck- then he was gone.

He didn't even look back as he turned the corner and started punching guys, wacking the first guy with his elbow and then kicking him down.

We were outnumbered- I was always outnumbered and these people around me, protecting me, always excepted me to understand. I couldn't understand what he meant by ignite, I didn't know how to! I couldn't even understand how these people always found me, I was just a girl I don't know what I'm doing or how to survive this. I know how to do algebra- and that's about it.

Frozen Flames ~ 1/3Where stories live. Discover now