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Eric, Jenny and Nate took Chuck's private jet back to New York. Then they went in a taxi to Lilly's. Eric had called ahead asking that both Rufus and Lilly be home when he got back. The plan was to have Eric and Jenny talk to Lilly, so that Nate could be alone with Rufus. When they arrived Jenny and Eric hugged Rufus and Lilly. Then Jenny and Eric lead Lilly upstairs. Nate and Rufus sat down in the living room.

"Mr. Humphrey, Jenny has decided to go with Eric to university in the UK. We plan to wait until after she is done university. What I am asking is, will you give me permission to marry Jenny?"

Rufus looked at Nate and saw that it was not a joke. "I would like to speak to Jenny first, before I give my consent."

"I understand, thank you sir," Nate said formally.

Upstairs, Lilly had been shown Jenny's ring. She was very supportive. Lilly told Jenny to put on her ring and go downstairs to see her father. Then Eric and his mom had a little heart to heart. Jenny left, closing the bedroom door to give Eric privacy. She was nervous and a bit scared to face her father. She knew that if her father forbade her and Nate to be married, she would forsake her family to be with him.

Rufus saw Jenny set her shoulders back, ready to do battle. She proudly wore her ring and went to stand beside Nate. He took her hand hint his and squeezed it encouragingly.

"Dad." Jenny acknowledged.

"Jenny I see that you have accepted Nate's proposal. Do you love him with every bit of your heart?" Rufus asked.

"Yes, I always have," Jenny admitted.

Rufus looked at them both and sighed. "Okay, I give you my permission. You're not a little girl anymore, you've become a strong woman.  As long as your engagement is until you complete your schooling, then you can marry Nate. But your mother also has to agree."

Jenny let go of Nate's hand and sprang into her father's arms, hugging him hard. "Oh thank you Dad!"

Lilly and Eric came into the living room also. Everyone hugged each other. Then Eric said, "Jenny and I are going to university in London."

"Congratulations. We will have to get your tuition fees in and get out to London to find you an apartment," Rufus said.

"How are you guys going to keep the engagement news from Gossip Girl?" Lilly asked.

"Well I wont wear my ring on my finger.  And only our closest friends will get to know. Then once I'm done school, everyone can know." Jenny explained.

"Jenny you should call your mother," Rufus said. While she did so, he made reservations at their favourite restaurant for all of them, to celebrate London and his daughter's engagement. He approved of Nate and he saw that they had deep love.

Lilly suggested, "I have a few friends in London. I will ask them to help you find an apartment. Nate will you be going to London to help them get settled?"

"Sure I could do that. If you'll excuse me, Jenny and I now have to go talk to my mother and grandfather." Nate said politely.

"Good luck," Eric said.

Jenny smiled, "we will see you guys at dinner."

Lilly and Eric sat down to look at London apartments online. Rufus called the university to discuss tuition payment. And Nate and Jenny left to face the firing squad. On the ride to his grandfather's estate, Nate said, "no matter what happens next, just know I refuse to let them dictate who I love. I may have to turn my back on all of them."

"Thank you Nate. Can you afford to do that? Because I wont have money coming straight out of university. Remember my business plan with Chuck, it will take a few years before we can live comfortably on the money I make."

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