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By the end of their stay in Thailand, Chuck had won a lot of money, property and a boat. How he got away with it, Jenny didn't know, but was glad he hadn't been arrested, since it was illegal to gamble there. Nate had joined him again, but only for the game that was with more higher classed players.  Jenny was still pissed at Chuck for him punching her and giving her a black eye. It wasn't until they were in India, that she finally forgave him. Chuck bought her some exotic fabrics, they rode camels, ate spicy food and he stayed away from trouble.

Mid July they were in Kenya and had fun on a safari tour. Even Chuck had not been to Kenya before, so they did the tourist thing there. They discovered the true beauty of the beast. Next they went to Australia and horseback rode through the rainforest, which rounded out the end of July. They didn't stay there long due to Jack assuming Jenny was with Chuck and made a pass at her. Nate punched Jack first and then Chuck laid him out with a great upper cut. Both had to ice their knuckles. Before they left Australia, Jack did apologize to Jenny, but was still inappropriate and bought her a very sexy, revealing dress and a ruby necklace to match. Jenny wanted to give it back, but Nate told her to keep it, so she did. Jack got the last word as they got on Chuck's jet, by propositioning Jenny just as the doors closed. Secretly Jenny was happy with Nate's furious reaction and Chuck's promise to give Jack bodily harm the next time he saw him.

Bora Bora was where they were, in the beginning of August. They enjoyed staying in overwater bungalows on stilts that were built on top of a lagoon. Most people spoke either French or English. Jenny knew enough French from school to get by, when English was not understood. They used bicycles for transportation and did a lot of snorkelling. She got fantastic underwater pictures of the native tropical fish. When they went off shore fishing, they saw some sharks. Chuck laughed at Jenny when she scrambled out of the water during a swim, when the fins sliced the water. The rays were beautiful flying ghosts, that floated by them in the ocean. All three of them got sunburns on the catamaran tour. Nate was disappointed when they only used the motor and never unfurled the sails. They also did a jet ski guided tour of the island.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was one of their last stops before heading back to the USA. The hotel they were staying at had a bunch of students that were partying it up, before going back to school for the fall. The first night there, Chuck, Nate and Jenny were invited to a chopadas. This was a college student beer fest right on the beach. There were a bunch of portuguese beer kegs. Everyone got hammered and passed out wherever they were. Sleeping on the beach allowed Jenny to find out why the sand was white. It wasn't all sand, but the powder created from crushed sea shells. She woke up with her head on Chuck's chest and Nate curled around her from behind. Nate's arm was flung across both Jenny and Chuck. As she sat up, they woke up also.

"What a night!" Nate groaned.

"I have sand in my hair and everywhere," Jenny complained.

"We all need to go back to the hotel and shower," Chuck agreed.

"Anyone got any cash left? I need a drink," Nate said.

"Hair of the dog?" Chuck encouragingly asked.

"I meant some fresh juice or water! I feel like I am just eating sand." Nate explained rolling his eyes.

The nice thing about Rio's beaches were all the bars and taverns around. They used fresh squeezed juices in their mixed drinks. Jenny dug into the pocket of her capris and pulled out cash, along with some sand. Nate went to get them cups of freshly squeezed juice.

"Make mine a screw driver please," Chuck said.

As Jenny looked up and inland, she saw up on the mountain the famous statue of Rio. "Chuck who is the statue of?"

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