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The last week of June found Nate, Jenny and Chuck in Tokyo, Japan. They were staying at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, located in the Nihonbashi district. Jenny was surprised that the hotel staff spoke English. From their suite, the skyline view was fit for royalty, as you could see Mount Fuji on the horizon, even with the setting sun. The hotel's decor was sleek and elegant, steeped in Asian contemporary styling. This time they were in a two bedroom suite. There was a jacuzzi bath-tub, to Nate's delight. The room layout was very efficient and maximized all available space.

Chuck stood looking out the large bank of living room windows, in deep thought. Nate walked up to him, touched his shoulder and gave him a whisky on the rocks. Then he asked, "so where do you want to eat tonight?"

"We'll go to Shibuya. Let Jenny see the scramble crossing for real. We'll take a cab there."

Jenny was intrigued, "what's a scramble crossing?"

All Chuck said was, "you'll see soon enough."

"I hate when you do that!" Jenny complained.

Chuck casually drawled, "I know, that's why we do it."

He was right, when they arrived, Jenny found out exactly why it was called a scramble crossing. "Is this where they filmed that scene in Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift, where they drive through all those people in the intersection?"

"One and the same," Chuck confirmed. "Although they used computers for a lot of that part, safety reasons and all."

Jenny grabbed Nate's hand and dragged him across the intersection. She stopped dead centre to take a picture. Chuck waited until they returned to where he stood, too dignified to follow. Next they took a cab to Gonpachi restaurant. Chuck bragged how delicious the food was, but they were not expecting such an amazing dining experience. It was like all the best Japanese master chefs were working that night.

Taking a bite of her food, Jenny swallowed and said, "that was an orgasm in my mouth."

Nate and Chuck shot her a look, both wearing dirty grins. Jenny blushed beet red, realizing how that had sounded. The Chef working in front of her winked.  And then in perfect English said, "I'm glad I could give you such pleasure tonight."

Nate and Chuck snickered, but Jenny had regained her composure. Not missing a beat she replied, "at least someone knows how to please me. Your food is like art."

That shut up Nate. Chuck who was on Jenny's right whispered in her ear, "well played."

Jenny elbowed Chuck in the ribs. Nate's hand went under the table and was on the way up Jenny's thigh. He leaned into Jenny's left ear and said, "I can give you plenty of pleasure, with a different kind of orgasm."

She elbowed him too, but as he went to remove his hand, she put hers on top, stopping him. He grinned victoriously.

GOSSIP GIRL NARRATOR: Careful Nate, Jenny is playing the game to win. A small victory, doesn't mean you've won the battle.

After dinner they went to a secret roof top bar called Roku Nana. It was an elite, upscale bar. There were no signs indicating the bars location at street level. It was also on a third floor roof top, between two larger buildings.

"How did you know about this place Chuck?"

He didn't answer, so Nate did it for him, "the secret things he knows, would fill a series of encyclopedias."

"In other words, 'shut up Jenny and just go with it.' Just one last question, why so mysterious Chuck?" She asked.

He shrugged and said, "it adds to the adventure. Are you not having fun?"

Jenny made a face, "of course I am!"

Nate grinned, "enough said."

They had some drinks, relaxed and enjoyed the city view at night. Some people recognized Chuck and began to talk to him in Japanese. He politely excused himself and went to sit with them. Jenny saw him buy a bag of white powder and knew it was coke. She'd seen Chuck do a lot of drugs, since she'd been travelling with him and knew he was ditching them for the night.

"Nate, I'm feeling some major jet lag. I think I'd like to go back to the hotel."

Rubbing his temple, Nate agreed. He paid the tab and then told Chuck they were leaving. Nate told the cab driver where they were staying.  As the cab drove through the busy streets, they leaned against each other, watching the blur of lights, neon signs, people and traffic go by. Tokyo never seemed to sleep, it was always moving. For people not use to the controlled chaos, it could be draining.

Back at the hotel, they closed the blinds to block out the city. They ordered a movie and sat on the bed in their comfy pjs. Half way through the movie, they were both passed out, curled up together. That's how Chuck saw them when he peaked in the door in the early am. He left them a note, a stack of money and a map, then left again. When Nate and Jenny woke up later that morning and she read the letter, they found out it told them that Chuck would meet them for dinner. It suggested where to go for sight seeing and directed them to Tokyo's fashion district. He'd even left two tickets for them to do a tour on the bullet train.

"So he ditched you Nate. He left you to suffer by my side, as I go shopping and sight seeing!"

"I haven't been to Tokyo Jenny, I'm just as much of a tourist as you are. I wont mind the sight seeing and bullet train."

"Okay, well from the map I cross referenced on the internet, there should be some bars in the area too. You can sit and relax at one of them if my shopping gets too boring."

"That sounds like a plan."

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