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The rest of the week in Abu Dhabi was filled with a combination of fun, food and relaxation to work out the kinks.  At Ferrari World they were a bit disappointed to find out that the fastest roller-coaster was not open during the week, only on weekends. The simulator rides were pretty good, but it made them want to drive a real car on a real race track. Chuck managed some how to get Ferrari to let them on the true racing circuit. Chuck was allowed to test drive a concept car around the track by himself. If Nate or Jenny had ever doubted the power of money and the Bass name, they lost it right then and there.

Then Nate was given a racing lesson by a professional, he too drove a Ferrari. As Chuck and Jenny watched, the first five laps Nate took it easy, as if he was feeling how the car moved.

The racing professional looked at Nate and said, "ready to open her up?"

Nate replied, "hell ya."

"Then let her fly."

And he did just that, they sped down the straight into the first turn, the brakes heated up and held as the car sunk itself onto the track to hold the racing line. Out of the corner they shot, Nate shifting gears to gain more speed. The few track spectators heard the scream of the engine as the car whipped by. The brakes glowed red as he entered the corners.

"Now that you have the feel of speed, go faster," the instructor encouraged.

"Seriously?" Nate asked stunned, not sure he had heard the earpiece in his helmet correctly.

"Faster, if you want to know how it feels to really race. The car can handle it can you?"

As an answer, Nate pushed his foot closer to the floor. He was glad for the racing harness seat belt as the g-forces push against him. He also was happy that he was wearing a helmet. But he had no fear, adrenaline kept his reflexes sharp. The practicing pit crew stopped to watch, when their chief swore at the time he saw on the watch.

Jenny looked at Chuck, "he's going to launch that car like a jet. I hope you have the money to cover it, if he crashes."

"He wont crash, this is how these cars should be driven. Think of it as a racehorse, bred for one thing, to race. It needs to run, it lives to race, it is only alive when it pours on the speed. This is the essence of Ferrari. A legend, built with passion."

"You should write their commercial. Family owned, just like Bass industries. Is that why you respect Ferrari so much?"

Chuck gave her his signature smile, "you're getting to know me a little too well."

"If I can handle it, so can you," Jenny winked.

Nate finally came down pit row and a hot Ferrari came to a stop. When he and the instructor removed their helmets, they were laughing.

"That was so much fun, thanks for pushing me," Nate said.

"If you ever want a career driving these beauties, let me know. The test cars need someone who drives like you."

Next was Jenny's turn. She declined driving, so the instructor who had rode shotgun with Nate, buckled her into the passenger side and got behind the wheel. Once he saw that she could handle the speed, he went faster and faster. Nate and Chuck got to see why this man was the teacher. His skill was masterful. He sent that Ferrari around the track so fast, that the watchers could barely keep their eyes on the car. Jenny was loving it. Just like when she had gone on the motorcycle for the first time, the faster they went, the more she liked it. It was that fine line of control. One mistake could cause chaos, but the driver kept them on track. At last he brought them to a stop by the pits.

When Jenny got out she hugged the driver. "Thank you so much!" She gushed. Next she hugged Chuck and kissed Nate in front of everyone.

"Ferrari knows how to set one's passion on fire," the instructor said to Chuck.

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