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Summer in Brooklyn was boring. Jenny was taking classes in school to fast track. She wanted to finish high-school and get into a business college course. The less time she had to spend in hell, the better. Especially a hell controlled by Blair and her Queen B prodigy. Working for Eleanor Waldorf was now no longer an option, she knew that.

Jenny called Eric. "Hi Eric..."I'm okay. Just wondering if you could check something for me?"

"Sure, what's up?" Eric asked.

"Well if I do come back in September for school, I want to work with another fashion designer. Do you think Tinsley Mortimer will still give me an apprenticeship?"

Eric said, "I'll ask around. So you will come back in the fall?"

Jenny sighed. "I do miss you guys. I'm definitely thinking about it. But it also depends on Blair."

"Let Nate and I work on that for you. We want you to come back Jenny. Mom, Rufus, Dan, Nate and I."

"Jenny smiled at her phone, "Thanks Eric, that's comforting."

"Have you talked to Nate lately?" Eric asked.

"No, why?" She asked.

"Oh... well I don't want to spoil the surprise.  I'll get Nate to call you," Eric said mysteriously.

"What? That's not fair! You can't say that and leave me hanging!" Jenny whined.

Eric laughed, "Yes I can! Bye!"

Jenny stared at her phone in disbelief. He'd just hung up on her. She was about to call him back, when her phone rang, it was Nate.

"Hi Nate.. Eric said you have a surprise for me. Please tell me what it is." Jenny begged.

Nate chuckled. "Hi back at you. I have three tickets to Metric, who are playing in Brooklyn. So Eric, you and I can go check it out."

Jenny jumped up and down. "Oh my god! That's wicked!"

"And I already cleared it with your mom, that you can stay the night at our hotel. The hotel by the way, is within walking distance of the show." Nate smiled as he heard Jenny's happiness transmit through the phone.

"How much do I owe you for my ticket?" Jenny asked.

"It's all on me. Some investments I made with my Grandfather's help, paid off big."

Jenny said, "Oh Nate, shouldn't you save it and re-invest?"

Nate appreciated her concern, "Jenny don't worry, most of it has been put away for a rainy day. I wont be as stupid or greedy as my father was. But I do have a nice chunk to spend on things that make me happy. But thanks for saying that."

"Well thank you!" She replied.

"Hanging out with you guys at a concert like that, will be so much fun. Especially since I missed Van Warp Tour.... You make me happy, when you're happy Jenny." Nate said honestly.

There was silence for a minute and Nate wondered if he'd said the wrong thing. Then Jenny said, "I've been okay lately; happier. I haven't forgiven myself yet, but I've accepted everything..." She paused and Nate waited. "And you make me happy too Nate. You always have. I'm glad we're getting our friendship back on track."

Nate let go of the breath he was holding. She sounded more like her old self, for that he was grateful. "How about you and Eric? He said Warp Tour with you was lots of fun. He showed me the picture of you crowd surfing, I couldn't believe it." Nate said re-directing the conversation.

"He's been there for me when I needed him the most. I'm glad he's my brother. I apologized to Eric for all the rotten things I've said and done to him this year. Going together with him and you will be awesome."

"Cool. We are coming by helicopter and then the limo, courtesy of Bass Industries. It's one of the great things of being Chuck's roommate and best friend."

Jenny had to ask, "have you heard from Chuck yet, Nate?"

Nate kicked himself for mentioning Chuck. "No sorry, no one has. Lilly is handling business while he is away.  After all the shit that went down with Chuck's uncle and previous lawyer, Lilly is the only person Chuck trusts with his assets when he is gone."

"Will you text me when he checks in? He deserves to know what happened." Jenny said.

"Sure.  Anyway about Metric, we couldn't get backstage passes, but the seats are great."

Jenny and Nate talked about the concert, but her mind was on Chuck. How would he react or punish her when he got back? Could he forgive her and move on? Would they become enemies or friends again? Finally Jenny said goodbye to Nate. Nate would text her when the helicopter landed, so she could be ready for the limo. Even after Nate hung up, Jenny thought about what he'd said about Chuck. She hoped she heard from him soon, to get it all over with.

GOSSIP GIRL TV SHOW Season 3+ (Jenny & Nate)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang