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Nate said good-bye to the girls that had spent the night with him. He bumped into the side table near the door and knocked Chuck's growing pile of mail to the floor. Picking it up he decided to sort through it. Business mail he would give to Lilly, personal mail he'd put in Chuck's room and junk into the garbage. Chuck hadn't contacted anyone in ages, but he was known to skip town for months in the past, so for now Nate didn't care. As he sorted through the pile, one letter caught his attention. He recognized Jenny's hand writing.  At first he set it aside, then curiosity got the better of him. Using a technique he had perfected as a child, Nate opened the letter. He read;

[Dear Chuck,

I never wanted to hurt you or cause so much trouble. When we slept together due to everyone in our lives rejecting us, I knew you didn't really care about me. When Blair showed up unexpectedly, I made sure to leave quietly. Eric found me crying and got Dan. Dan is like a pitbull when he puts on his protective brother hat. He shouldn't have punched you. I'm sorry about everything that happened. It seems I keep saying that to everyone in my life.

But that's not the only reason I'm writing. I'm really scared and don't know what to do. My period was really late and I did a test and I'm pregnant. You need to tell me what I should do! Please, please call me. I've left you dozens of voice mails. Please call me back!]

Nate stopped reading and checked the letter's date. "Oh shit!" He said as realization slammed him wide awake.

He tried calling Chuck first. He got a message that the voice mailbox was full. He next called Blair, then Serena, even Lilly and none of them had heard from Chuck. Nate's anxiety rose. He called Jenny, but she didn't answer. At last he called Eric.

"Eric I need to talk to Jenny, but she'd not answering her phone. Tell me where she lives, it's urgent."

"Nate you haven't been very nice to her lately and she doesn't need any more drama right now." Eric almost scolded.

Nate got frustrated, "I know Eric, but I'm not going to upset her, I just want to help her."

Eric got suspicious, "what's this about?"

Nate hesitated and then confessed, "I read Chuck's personal mail from Jenny. She's in trouble."

"I think we need to meet and talk. I'll be at your place in 20 minutes." With that Eric hung up.

Nate quickly did a clean up, jumped into the shower and was just finished dressing when Eric arrived. He remembered his manners and offered Eric a drink as they sat down on the couch.

"So how much do you know?" Eric asked.

Nate gave him the letter. Eric gave it a quick read. "Jenny didn't want anyone to know. I found out accidentally. She sounded weird on the phone, so I gave her a surprise visit. She hadn't heard from Chuck and broke down. By then she'd taken the pregnancy test to confirm it. She flipped shit."

"I bet she did, wow, that's scary."

Eric nodded, "so we discussed her options and since Chuck hadn't responded she decided to have an abortion. It was expensive and I helped her pay for it." He saw Nate's face and added, "you and I both know that mentally she couldn't go through a pregnancy. It was her only option."

"I can't believe it," Nate said.

"It gets worse. Jenny insisted on going into the clinic alone. I waited for her outside. When she came out, I tried to hug her and she flinched away. We got a cab back to her mom's and she just cried quietly, saying nothing. She went to her bed and curled into a ball and rocked herself. She wouldn't talk at all. I tried to get her to respond and nothing. She wont answer her phone or text or email."

"I want to go see her, maybe I can get her to talk." Nate's concern very apparent.

"I'll come with you, since her mom met me. Her mom just thinks she's depressed about being isolated out in Brooklyn."

Nate felt like an ass for dumping Jenny's friendship for Serena. When Jenny had needed him the most, he'd deserted her. He was really worried about her, even more so now that Eric had told him everything.

Spotted: Nate and Eric speeding out of town. What's the big rush boys?... xoxo GOSSIP GIRL

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