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Eric was in rough shape. He was wasted and on an assortment of drugs. Everyone present had dealt with this in one way or another. They took him to Serena's hotel. Chuck and Nate got him into the bathroom. Serena tried to help her brother, but he lashed out at her. In the end it was Jenny who he allowed into the bathroom with him. She had to use her own finger to make him vomit. Once he got started, there was no stopping. He purged everything from his stomach for over an hour. Jenny and Nate were the only people he let help him. They fed him water and helped him the best they could. When he was no longer coughing anything up, they made him comfortable in the big bath tub. This way if he did vomit on himself again, they could just shower him down. Periodically they took turns making sure he was upright, as not to choke. They made him drink lots of water and when he could keep it down some Advil.

"He's a mess and I don't mean just his clothes," Jenny observed.

Serena looked very worried. "I've never seen him this bad.  Even when he went into the Ostroff centre, he wasn't like this."

Nate hugged Serena, "he'll be okay."

Serena said, "thank you.  All of you, for helping him."

Chuck said, "we've all been in his shoes.  And we are all his friend, even if he doesn't want us to be."

They all nodded in agreement. When Jenny went to check on Eric, Nate went with her. "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay, just worried about Eric.  I don't know if this is his reaction to pain over the break up or the humiliation from Gossip Girl's blast."

Just then Eric mumbled something incoherently. He struggled to sit up. Jenny gave him some water and he passed out again. She shook her head, "I hope one day someone figures out a way to take Gossip Girl down. Sure sometimes she helps, but mostly she hurts people."

They let Eric sleep it off. Serena ordered pizza and they watched a movie. Chuck left for a while, but did return a few hours later. He carried a brown paper bag. What he removed from the bag, was a black vial.

Everyone was watching him, so he told them what it was. "Jack got this stuff from a Chinese herbalist. It detoxes and cleanses your body. He used it a few of the times he came to get me."

They all remembered the last time Chuck tried to disappear and Jack had to bring him back. Those were the only times that anyone ever saw Jack show any humanity.  Nate took out the stopper and smelt the liquid, he recoiled and made a face.

"That smells disgusting. Do you drink it?" Nate asked, passing it to Jenny and Serena, who both reacted the same way.

Chuck grinned, "it's mixed into green tea."

Jenny grimaced, "green tea is just as gross. Poor Eric."

Nate returned the bottle to Chuck. He looked at the bottle and then at Chuck, "yes, but it obviously works and works really well."

Jenny commented, "there is no way he will drink that. How do we get it in him?"

Chuck showed them a wide mouth syringe. "It's for a dog, but it works with humans. Someone holds him and we shoot the stuff down his throat. Close his mouth and rub his throat, forcing him to swallow it."

"Wont he just barf it up?" Serena asked doubtfully.

"No, there is something in it, that acts like Gravol would. It prevents you from gagging."

"Well I had to make him barf with my finger, Serena it's your turn," Jenny said.

"Nate?" Serena asked hopefully.

"All right," Nate agreed, going with Chuck into the bathroom.

Eric was still out of it, so he didn't struggle much. They got all of the liquid into him, before his eyes sprang open. In clear coherent English he demanded, "what the hell was that you just gave me? It tastes like shit!"

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