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Eric and Nate arrived in Brooklyn at 10:15 am.  At 10:30 am they were parked out front of Jenny's mom's house.

"Ok let's get on with this," Eric said. He walked to the front door and rang the bell. Jenny's mom came to the door.

"Hello Eric!"

"Hi Allison, this is Jenny's and my friend Nate.  He drove us here.  We brought her sewing machine and some fabric to cheer her up."

"Eric good to see you. It's such a long drive, come in and join us for breakfast. Jenny's in the shower. You can put the stuff in the den."

Eric led the way. They put down the things for Jenny and took a seat at the kitchen table. Jenny's mom mentioned how sad Jenny was and that it might be nice if they took her to the park or a movie. She was going to give Nate money to do so, but he declined and said he would cover it. Jenny's mom looked relieved. They ate breakfast and still Jenny had not appeared.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what's taking her so long."

"It's okay we can go up and surprise her," Eric said.

"Alex and I have to go grocery shopping. Jenny has a key to lock up if you leave."

They thanked Jenny's mom, then excused themselves. Both Nate and Eric went upstairs. They knocked on the door and waited.

"Mom I'm not hungry!" Jenny called out.

Eric and Nate looked at each other and both knocked. They heard Jenny's annoyed sigh and grinned. She flung open the door and stood there completely shocked. Eric moved forward to hug her and she jumped back before he could touch her. Nate frowned.

"Hi Jenny, we missed you and are here to kidnap you!" Eric joked not missing a beat.

Nate followed Eric's lead and walked into her room casually. "We came with gifts; sewing machine and fabric."

Jenny's face lit up just a little. "Thank's guys!" Then it closed again. "What are you doing here?"

Eric answered, "just visiting. It's boring without you around."

Jenny snorted in disbelief, "I'll bet it is."

Nate observed how Jenny made sure that she always faced them. She moved to make sure neither he nor Eric touched her. These were not good signs. "How about you show us around Brooklyn."

"There's not much to see," Jenny said.

"We'll be the judge of that," Nate encouraged.

Jenny could see they weren't taking no for an answer. "Okay we'll go to the park, we can walk there."

She was wearing shorts and a tank top. Eric nodded at Nate, no new cut marks. That was a relief. And at least she was talking to them. Nate checked the trunk of his car and found a frisbee. Jenny rolled her eyes and Eric said he though it would've been a football. They went to the park and tossed the frisbee a while. Then Nate sent Eric to get some ice cream cups, to give him time alone with Jenny.

With their backs against the same tree, they waited for Eric to get back. They both took off their sandals. Jenny crossed her legs. She shifted her feet and that's when he saw the cut marks. Jenny was cutting, but where she thought no one would see it. The bottom of her feet showed fresh marks. He didn't want her to shut down on him, so he acted like he hadn't seen anything.

"Jenny I read the letter you sent Chuck. I wanted to tell you this because I always tell you I hate lies and didn't want to be a hypocrite."

Jenny's voice was dead of emotion, "I'm not pregnant anymore."

Nate turned to face her, waiting for her to say the final words. He didn't wait long.

"I aborted it. I'm a murderer. Still want to be my friend?"

He heard the self hate in her voice. He was not there to judge her and said so. "You did what was best for everyone. You aren't ready for a child, Chuck is missing in action and Lilly would freak that she'd be a grandmother." He though Jenny would smile, she just blinked at him. "Do you want to come back to the Upper East Side?"

"No, not now... not yet. Anyway, Blair exiled me and threatened me if I come back. I'm no match for her."

"She's in Paris for the summer. Give her time, she'll let you back and you have me in your corner."

Eric came back and they ate the ice cream cups. He suggested he and Nate get a hotel room and stay the night. He said he'd already called home to let his mom know where he was and with whom. So after the park Jenny recommended a hotel and they checked in. Then they went to the movies. After that the three of them went to dinner. Jenny's mom called and told her she didn't have a curfew since her friend and step-brother were visiting.  She asked to speak to Nate and told him she expected him and Eric to have fun and protect Jenny. He confirmed he would and they hung up.

When Eric went to the washroom Nate finally said, "I saw your feet Jenny."

She couldn't look at him and so looked at her food. "It makes the pain inside my head go away. I don't have to think about it. No one has to see the darkness around my soul. Sometimes it just bleeds out of me."

Nate admired her courage to tell him and admitted something too, "it's like falling uphill. You'll do anything except face the pain or your personal demons."

Jenny looked into his eyes and saw he wasn't faking. "I'm numb and it's all I feel anymore. I took a life just because I was selfish and had a moment of stupidity I couldn't face. I'm a coward Nate."

"You're also human. You trusted me once to lean on . I'm sorry I was a jerk and dumped your friendship. I'm here now if you will let me. I can catch you when you're falling. If you'll forgive me."

Jenny laughed without humour, "I can't even forgive myself. I feel dirty and ashamed."

"When you feel like you're drowning in quicksand, reach out and take my hand. We may be in different cities but I'm just a phone call, a text message or an email away. When you really need me I promise that I will come. I'll use the helicopter even."

Nate reach out his hand. Jenny didn't take it, but she touched his finger tips. That gave Nate hope. They needed to sit down and talk.

Eric came back and as they all shared desert he said something that Nate felt was very profound. "None of us should ever be alone; not in our head or our hearts. That's a quote I heard once and it helped me get through a lot of bullshit."

Jenny smiled at the two of them and this time it reached her eyes. "Your hotel has a jacuzzi right? Let's go relax there."

"I'm glad we both packed overnight bags." Nate said to Eric. Then to Jenny, "do you want to stop and pick up a change of clothes or bathing suit?"

"Ya and I should check in one last time with mom before we go."

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