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No one was awake until around 3 pm in the afternoon. Nate and Chuck were a little hung over, but Jenny was just tired. They had brunch in their suite, lounging around on the sofas and looking out at the city through the wall of glass.

"When is the Blake Mc Grath concert Chuck?" Jenny asked.

"Tomorrow night. I found out he is staying at the Park Hyatt Hotel. So we are relocating there."

Jenny asked why and Chuck responded, "because we will be going to the after-party. So it just makes it more convenient. Don't worry, it's just as nice as this place."

Laughing Jenny said, "guys, I would sleep in a cardboard box, if I got a chance to meet Blake!"

Nate mumbled, "don't worry knowing Chuck, you'll get to sleep in a box soon enough."

Jenny didn't hear him, "what?"

Chuck interrupted, having heard Nate just fine, "nothing to worry about Jenny, Nate's trying to ruin the adventure before it even happens."

"Harrumph!" Nate grunted, receiving a playful punch in the arm from Chuck.

GOSSIP GIRL NARRATOR: Careful what you wish for Jenny, Chuck's summer adventures are notorious and sometimes he likes to slum it.

"Anyway," Chuck continued, ignoring Nate, "tonight we are going to a real Geisha House to watch a tea ceremony."

"Am I going?" Jenny asked.

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Because women aren't allowed in Geisha Houses Nate," Jenny educated.

Chuck smiled. "Relax everyone. Traditional Geisha Houses don't let women in, but these are modern times and money overrules tradition."

"What should I wear?" Jenny asked.

Chuck gave her his 'do you really have to ask' look. He walked to the hall closet and took out three garment bags. Nate and Chuck would wear suits and Jenny was in a white blouse with long black skirt. The skirt even covered her feet.

Nate grinned, "he's making us look respectable."

"A car will pick us up in a few hours and take us there. Afterwards we will go to dinner and then see what to do. I have some calls to make." With that Chuck went to his room.

"He's planning something, I recognize the signs," Nate said.

Jenny nodded in agreement. "And I have a feeling it's going to be a very long night."

Nate and Jenny spent a few hours watching tv and just being lazy. Then they took individual showers and finally got dressed. Drinking a few rum and cokes, the three of them waited for the town car to pick them up. Once in the car, Chuck gave them a little history about the Geisha house.

When they arrived, all of them were given slippers to wear. Then Jenny had to walk behind Chuck and Nate as they were lead into the house. They were seated at a very low table and sat cross legged. Jenny sat between Nate and Chuck, after Chuck slipped the owner of the house a hundred dollar bill. The Geisha girls looked like the ones Jenny had seen in the movies. They did the traditional dance and played instruments. Everything they did was very structured and precise. It was beautiful. The ribbon dancers were Jenny's favourite. They were served tea and some light food. While they ate, the musicians played. There were a few businessmen there across the room from them. They talked among themselves. Then other Geisha women came out, Jenny noticed they wore their Kimonos tied in the front and she asked Chuck about it.

"The real Geisha girls wear their Kimonos tied and centred in the back. The prostitutes will mimic how the real ones dress, but as you noticed there are some differences. This house has a secrete tunnel that leads to the love house. The rooms there can be used for a maximum of 3 hours."

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