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Jenny was on the bus back to the Upper East Side when she got a message that she couldn't help but smile at.

Blair and Serena are once again fighting. Another power struggle for the spot light?....xoxo GOSSIP GIRL

This was good news to Jenny, because that would mean Blair would be too distracted to care that she was in town. Jenny was nervous enough as it was. Soon she'd be back in the Upper East Side, meeting with Eric for lunch. Then off to Greenwich Village for her attempt to get into Parsons. Her portfolio and profile were ready for Tim Gunn's approval.

Eric was waiting for her with a taxi at the bus terminal. They hugged each other in greeting. In the taxi Jenny grilled Eric for information about Serena and Blair. He explained that they were back stabbing each other and yelling at each other in public. He said it was all very embarrassing.

"I like what you have done with your hair. Big change!" Eric complimented.

"Ya, it was time for something new. I don't look too pale do I?"

"No, but it's so different. It's going to take some time to get use to."

"I'll bet. I love how the hair dresser did the curls! So wild and tossed."

"It looks good for sure." Eric opened the cafe door.

During lunch Eric looked over the portfolio and report. Jenny had also hung a garment bag on a spare chair beside them. Eric said he was impressed with how professional everything looked & how prepared she was. They also talked about mutual friends. When Eric told Jenny about Raina Thorpe and how much time Nate spent with her, Jenny's chest tightened. Once again Nate had moved on to another girl.

The door to the cafe jingled and since Jenny's back was to the door, she didn't see Nate and Raina walk in. She thought she felt Nate's presence, but shrugged it off.

"We should go say hi to Eric," Nate said as he pulled out a chair for Raina.

"It looks like he's busy with someone. Let's not disturb him," she replied.

Nate kept sneaking looks over to Eric's table, trying to catch his eye. Unfortunately Eric and his guest were deep in conversation.

Raina touched Nate's hand, "am I really that boring?"

"Oh sorry. It's just that the person with Eric seems so familiar. I wish I could see her face."

Raina's patience was wearing thin and Nate finally noticed when she snapped, "then go over and ask them to join us."

Nate realized he was being impolite and said, "no that's okay, they are obviously discussing something important. Let's just enjoy our lunch."

Over at Eric's table he finally noticed Nate. "Don't look now, but Nate and Raina are having lunch here too."

Jenny forced herself not to turn around and look. "Where?"

"Behind you and three tables to the left."

"Has he noticed us?" Jenny asked almost shyly.

Eric casually glanced over, "not that I can see. Do you want them to?"

Leaning forward Jenny whispered harshly, "no way!" then in a normal voice said, "anyway I have to go soon."

Eric called another cab and told Jenny to call him when she was done. He'd come pick her up. He noticed that after Jenny paid her part of the lunch bill, she made sure to keep her back to Nate's side of the cafe as she left. He wondered what that was about and made a mental note to ask her later. Before he intruded on Nate and Raina's lunch, he sent a courtesy text message. Nate received it and waived him over.

GOSSIP GIRL TV SHOW Season 3+ (Jenny & Nate)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz