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The contract with Chuck was on hold and that meant so was Jenny's fashion business. Her dad pushed her into working with Eleanor Waldorf again.  Jenny hated to admit it, but she did learn more working with Eleanor about the fashion industry, than on her own. She was a little more careful with her contributions. This time around she documented all her ideas in a journal. Whether it was just an alteration to an original Eleanor design or something completely hers, it all was dated and recorded. The journal was like a fashion bible. Eleanor was aware of this, but said nothing. A few times the journal even helped, when some change was made and no one else had recorded it. Like buttons on a jacket were changed, but no one, except for Jenny, knew to what.  And Jenny made sure she always had an eye on the journal. Actually she kept a second journal at home as back up, just in case she lost the one she used at work. She'd learnt her lessons well, this past year.

With her fashion desires in control, Jenny could focus on other things more. The devious side of her was nagging about that letter from Carter to Serena. Jenny didn't think that Serena was over Carter and therefore she didn't deserve to be with Nate. Driven by growing jealousy and giving fate a helping hand, Jenny borrowed Serena's phone and sent an email to Carter. It simply said that Serena missed him. Now all she had to do was sit back and wait. To not tip Serena off that Jenny was after Nate, she threw herself into work and school. She avoided Nate as much as possible.  As a distraction she even accepted a date from a guy at Eric's school.

Eric introduced Jenny to Justin. He was a little taller than her, had dark Emo hair and smoked. When they met, Jenny noticed Justin's Australian accent, which she found sexy. He was easy on the eyes, but smelled like cigarettes.

"I'm trying to quit, but it's really hard," Justin explained popping a piece of gum in to his mouth. He offered Jenny a piece, which she accepted.

"I heard that Allan Car has a book that helps people quit," Jenny said.

"Hmm, I'll check it out online, thanks."

Justin was 17 and had his driver's licence. Unlike most kids who lived on the Upper East Side, he drove a dark blue Plymouth Barracuda.

"Do you smoke in your Hemi Cuda?" Jenny asked.

"Nope. I take good care of her."

She grinned, "her?"

"I know you're probably thinking of 'Gone In 60 Seconds,' but all my cars are my girls."

"How many cars have you had?"

"This one is my third. The first was a temperamental Porsche. The second was a Mitsubishi, but too many people have them. I like to be an individual."

"So you love cars?"

"High performance cars, I'm studying design and engineering."

"That's pretty cool. So do you just want to improve what's out there or create your own sports car?"

"Both actually. I know I'll have to start at the bottom and gain experience. But one day I'd like to design a car from start to finish."

Jenny was surprised how much they had in common. At the theatre they chatted about design programs, until the movie started. The movie was an action flick and they both enjoyed it.

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Justin showed Jenny the message, "looks like we've caught her eye."

"You follow Gossip Girl news?" Jenny asked.

"Doesn't everyone around here? That's how you caught my eye." Justin teased.

Jenny smiled. "In that case I guess I should thank her."

They went for coffee and then he took her home. Both agreed to hang out again. Jenny liked Justin, but her heart was still with Nate. Justin sent her a text message to say good-night. Jenny invited him to get lunch tomorrow. She had a two hour spare. He agreed to pick her up. Dan, Vanessa, Serena and Nate all sent her inquiring text messages. Jenny replied with a mass text message that Justin was a friend of Eric's. She knew if she withheld details it would drive their curiosity even more.

Over the next two weeks, the more time she spent with Justin, the more they both realized they had no sexual chemistry.  A good friendship developed; Jenny learned about sports cars and Justin about fashion design. They both liked anime comics and Justin showed her his collection of the Chobits comic. It gave Jenny some new fashion inspiration. Having fun time outside of work and school, was just what they both needed. Justin taught Jenny how to drive manual, even though Jenny said she'd never driven before. Turned out that Justin was a good and patient teacher.

Nate noticed that Jenny didn't talk as often as she use to with him. He didn't like it that Justin let her drive his car. He got annoyed at how Jenny shrugged off his warning to be safe, knowing how she loved to live on the edge. It was almost like whatever he said drove Jenny further away from him. Nate missed their talks, especially since Serena was giving him a weird vibe. Nate talked to Blair and then Chuck, but both were too distracted to help him with Serena. Chuck was busy trying to win back Blair's affection, after Chuck had tricked her when dealing with his Uncle Jack. They both knew Chuck better than anyone and his actions shouldn't have shocked Blair so much. But Nate knew they'd eventually find their way back to each other. He shook his head in frustration. Nothing was ever simple. For now Nate had to let Jenny do as she pleased. She was shutting him out. He had to focus on his own relationship problems. Only time would tell if everything worked out as it should.

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