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Jenny awoke to a gentle sway, she at first didn't know where she was. But then quickly  remembered when she looked around. She was on Trition's Pegasus. Last thing she recalled was having a glass of wine with Nate and trying to stay awake. She felt his arm around her waist and snuggled into his warmth. He was still sleeping. She looked out the window of the cabin and saw that it was late evening. A satisfied smile tweaked the corners of her mouth. It had been a wonderful day, especially seeing Nate so happy and relaxed, while sailing. Just being around him and sharing the adventure, was amazing to her. She was getting to know him in ways she never knew before. Sex wasn't everything, even though with Nate it was always fantastic. It was getting harder and harder for Jenny to keep her heart locked to him.

"You awake Jenny?" Nate asked yawning and stretching.

"Yup, just woke up..... I'm hungry though." Jenny stretched like a cat.

"Me too actually, I hope that Chuck came back and dropped off food. Let's go take a look."

Jenny stood up cautiously, worried about her footing, but she found she was much more steady than she had been earlier today. She followed Nate into the kitchen. On the counter were two containers... it smelled delicious. While Nate heated it up, Jenny went up to the deck to see if Chuck was around. She found him sitting on the lounger, sipping whisky and talking to a pretty red head.

"It's about time you two came up to enjoy the evening," Chuck drawled, lazily.

"It is a beautiful evening. Thank you for the food Chuck." Jenny said, then turned to their guest, "good evening."

"Bon soiree," the girl said in a silky voice.

Jenny smiled and felt terribly inadequate. This red bombshell even had a sexy voice. She had on skinny jeans and a sexy top. Both her and Chuck looked ready to go clubbing. Jenny blessed Nate's timing, when his shout that dinner was served, came from down below. Jenny excused herself.

"Oh that smells great!" Jenny said as she sat down to join Nate. "You should see the gorgeous red-head with Chuck."

"I'm sure she's a dish. But I'm too hungry for food to care. This is so good." Nate smiled, giving Jenny a reassuring wink.

Jenny and Nate dug in to the food. The spices and flavours were fabulous. They giggled at how quiet they were, just eating and enjoying it. "Guess I was hungrier than I thought!"

"Nate, they look like they are going to the clubs. We are totally not dressed for that," Jenny said nodding her head in the direction of the ceiling.

"We'll go back to the hotel, shower and change. Then we will meet them at the club."

"But wont that be super late? What time is last call?" Jenny asked naively.

Nate grinned, "in France, there is no such thing as closing time. The bars close when there is no one left to drink the booze."

"Oh!" Jenny said with shock. Then she returned his grin with her own devilish smile, "in that case, lets get back to the hotel!"

They put their garbage away, grabbed their things and went up the stairs. Nate said fluently, "bonjour comment faites-vous?"

The red head smiled and said, "bien, mercy. Allez-vous par e joindre a' nous plus tard ce soiree?" Then she switched easily to English to translate for a confused Jenny, "what I said was; 'well thank you. Will you be joining us later tonight?' I apologize for my impoliteness. I didn't realize not all of you were fluent in French. Please excuse my rudeness."

Jenny was impressed and quickly said, "oh thank you, but you weren't rude at all. And anyway your accent and speech are so beautiful."

The red head introduced herself, "I'm Josephine."

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