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Jenny had just come home from her first day of the fall school semester. Summer was over and reality was back on track. The visits from Eric and a few from Nate, made her forget about life for a while.

Her mom asked, "how was school?"

Rolling her eyes Jenny replied, "life sucks."

Her mom was about to say something when Jenny's cell rang. She looked at her caller id and almost dropped the phone. Running upstairs and into her room, Jenny finally answered.

"Hello? Chuck?"

"Hi Jenny.  Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.  How are you?" Chuck asked gently.

Jenny stuttered, "I... I'm okay."

Chuck explained to her why he hadn't called.  He'd been shot. Hearing it all made Jenny forgive him for everything. She was just as much at fault as he was and she said so.

Fearful of his reaction, Jenny asked timidly, "did Nate give you my letter?"

Chuck's new found humanity said gently, "yes and he also told me about the abortion. Under the circumstances, I think you made the right decision. Eric's not talking to me, so I'll send you the cash for the abortion and you can just pay him back that way."

Jenny stared at her phone a second, then asked, "so you're not mad?"

"Not at all and I'm sorry for everything I put you through."

"Is this really Chuck? If this is a prank, it's sick." Disbelief rang in Jenny's voice.

Chuck sighed, "no it's me.  I've changed over the summer.  Anyway, will you come back home soon?"

Now Jenny sighed, "I'm not ready yet, not sure if I will be... I can't handle Serena and especially Blair right now."

"Just let me know if you need anything or when you're coming back."

"Thank's Chuck.  And I told everyone; Lilly, my dad, my brother, Eric and Nate that it wasn't all your fault, it was mine too.  But they don't know about the abortion, only Eric and he swore to keep it a secret. Nate found out accidentally, I swear."

"It's okay Jenny, I trust Nate and I know Eric wont hurt you....  Me on the other hand, Eric probably wants me dead," Chuck sighed.

Jenny tried to deny that, but both of them knew better. They talked a little more and then ended the call. She let out a long breath, not realizing how relieved she was until that moment. Chuck was back and he wasn't mad at her.  Maybe she'd consider going back. But could she get out of Blair's crosshairs? Would Serena forgive her for going after Nate? Did her family truly want her back or were they just saying that to make her feel less alone? So many things to consider. But for now though, she had homework to get to.

A call from Vanessa brought Jenny back to the Upper East Side. Vanessa, Juliette and Jenny teamed up to take Serena down off her pedestal. When Jenny found out Juliette had hospitalized Serena, she realized they'd gone too far. Her confession to Blair, gained her a truce. Blair even invited her back to the Upper East Side to help get Juliette back. Jenny declined realizing she was becoming too much like her old evil self. That person she never wanted to be again.  Jenny threw herself at her school work and that is all she ever seemed to do anymore. How some of her classmates did it she didn't know. Often hours were spent locked in her room studying, just so the next day she wouldn't be lost. The days melted into each other and Jenny heard little from her family. Except for the Gossip Girl blasts, she was out of the loop.

When she'd met Tim Gunn, due to Chuck's scheming, he had told her he would hold a spot for her at Parsons. It was an elite design school. Parsons was in Greenwich Village on the Upper East Side.  All she had to do was present him her portfolio and a profile of her future goals. Since the business deal with Chuck had been put on hold, Jenny used some of that in her outline. Eric, Nate, Chuck and Dan were distracted by their own lives. Some of her old designs and some new ones were in the portfolio. She had recruited a few classmates to wear her designs and her iphone took adequate pictures. Every day she marked her calendar as the date of her meeting with Tim Gunn approached.

Eric called her in distress. Damien had befriended him and then blackmailed Eric into moving his drugs.  A family secret would be made public if Eric didn't do as he was told.  Jenny told him to not get involved and to talk to Lilly or her dad about it.  Eric declined and said he'd have a plan.

"By the way I'm cancelling my birthday party. I'll just say I'm sick," Eric sighed stressfully.

"You should have your party, you need to relax.  I can ask mom if I can come too. Then we can really talk," Jenny offered sincerely.

"No don't bother.  But thanks for listening," Eric said and then hung up.

Jenny was worried about Eric. She considered calling Serena even. But Eric trusted her and had kept her secrets and she couldn't betray him that way. In the mean time she mailed Eric a cheerful birthday card with a $100 gift certificate in it. The money had come from altering a classmate's bridesmaid dress, which she explained in the card.

For a few days Jenny heard nothing about what happened. Then she got the Gossip Girl message, that Lilly was going to jail. Jenny was shocked and offended that no one from her family told her.

"Dad what's going on with Lilly?" Jenny asked when she finally got a hold of him.

"Jenny, Lilly made some bad decisions in the past involving Serena and one of her teachers. Now to protect the family and Eric, she came forward with the truth."

"Wow, why didn't anyone tell me? I found out from Gossip Girl.  Am I no longer part of this family?" Jenny asked, while gripping her phone tightly.

"Honey, we thought it best to leave you out of this latest drama. Lilly and I didn't want to worry you."

"Should I come home to show everyone we are united and offer Lilly support?"

"No it's best you stay with your mother, but you can call Lilly if you like. She's just a bit stressed right now, as you can imagine."

Jenny sighed, "okay dad. But keep me posted on what happens. I love you."

"I love you too Jenny," Mr. Humphrey replied.

After she got off the phone with her dad she called Lilly and offered her support. Lilly was distracted, but happy to hear from Jenny. Lilly also advised the date that she wanted a new family photo taken. Jenny said she would do her best to be there, but she had tests that week.

"Mom may not let me come, because of my test in the morning, the next day."

"Don't worry then, we will take another picture when you next come here," Lilly reassured.

They chatted a little longer and then Lilly said good-bye.  Jenny was surprised by how calm her step-mother was being. If it was her in that situation, she'd be terrified. She couldn't even imagine how bad the rumour mill must be about everything going on. Jenny called Dan next, who apologized for not keeping her in the loop. They caught up on everything from meeting Serena's cousin Charlie to Blair's new princely love interest.

"You sound a little jealous of that prince. What's going on between you and Blair?" Jenny inquired.

Dan looked at his cell phone, if Jenny heard his jealousy, what did everyone else think. Putting the phone back against his ear he replied, "we're just friends... Yes Blair and I... is laughter really necessary?"

"Sorry Dan," Jenny snickered.

"Well anyway she's left her friends in the dust, now that she has a prince on her arm." Dan changed the subject.

"How's school?"

Jenny let him redirect the conversation and indulged him with stories about kids and teachers. He told her to call him when she got to town for her meeting at Parsons.  After they hang up, Jenny felt better about knowing what's going on with her friends and family, but missed them all.

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