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Jenny's mom could see that Eric and Nate were improving her daughter's mood. She allowed Jenny to decide when to come home.  Nate drove them to the hotel. Once there everyone changed and then got into the jacuzzi. The hot water jets felt great on their backs.

"Wow I needed this," Eric sighed, "I didn't know driving for so many hours could make your muscles so sore!"

"Yah my shoulders are so tight," Nate said rotating his arm.

"If these jets don't turn me into jello I will give your shoulders a massage," Jenny offered.

Eric mentioned, "I bet when you are stressed it affects your shoulders, that's where I carry it too."

Nate nodded and gave his pouty look to Jenny. "Please don't turn into Jello."

Jenny and Eric both laughed and started a water fight. Nate went to dunk Jenny under and she got out of the jacuzzi all laughter gone. Nate right away backed off, seeing the look of fear in her face was from being touched not dunked. Under the water Eric nudged Nate, that he saw it too.

She recovered saying, "I think I'm going to change... and no I'm not jello."

After she left, Eric looked at Nate. "I know her letter to Chuck says the sex was mutual consent, but she reacts like she was forced. Some girls at the psych ward acted just like Jenny is."

Nate agreed, "I was beginning to wonder that myself. When she went to him, she wasn't emotionally stable. He might have forced her, but made her feel like she wanted it."

"She seems to be more relaxed around you, I'll go out for a bit, pick up some snacks. Try and get her to talk to you more," Eric coached.

Eric left, Nate drained the hot tub and changed. When he was alone he found Jenny sitting on a sofa.

"Eric went out to get munchies," Jenny said.

"Can I convince you to give me a back rub then?" Nate asked hopefully. He watched her hesitate and then nod ok. "Do you want me lying down or sitting up?"

A bit of the old Jenny popped through and she grinned at how it sounded. Nate rolled his eyes realizing how his words came across. She let him off the hook. "Lying down is fine. I'll use my hand cream if you want to take off your shirt."

"Wow that's cold!"

"Sorry," Jenny giggled.

"It's okay, this feels so good. We drove straight through stopping once for gas and food."

For ten minutes they didn't talk. Then Nate rolled over. Jenny froze. She looked at him, all her emotions jumping through her eyes. He saw she still desired him, but everything that had happened disturbed it. "Jenny did Chuck hurt you?"

"I ... it was... he.  It wasn't like when I was with you." Jenny blurted getting off and sitting beside him.

"Okay. I wont push you." Nate said. "You know I wont hurt you or force you to do anything you don't want, right?"

With the softest voice, full of emotion Jenny said, "yes."

Nate sat up and taking a chance hugged Jenny. For a minute she was very tense. Then she put her arms around him and let it all out. She cried her heart out.  Deep hard sobs, that shook them both. He saw Eric come in and gave him a nod. Eric joined the hug briefly.

"You're going to be okay Jenny, we're here for you," Eric said and then left them alone.

Jenny eventually stopped crying. "I'm sorry.  All I seem to do lately is cry."

Nate cupped her chin, "that's normal for what you've been through."

"Would you just lie beside me and hold me?"

Nate was glad she was talking and letting it all out. She was letting people touch her again and that was a big step. She lay down on his bed on her side and he beside her. They talked a little and then she slept.

"I'm sorry, so sorry!" Jenny cried out.

She was having another nightmare. Nate held her and woke her up. "Jenny it's okay, it was just a dream."

"No Nate, it was real."

Nate stroked her hair and put his arm around Jenny. Eventually she went to sleep again, but it was fitful. Around 1:30 am she woke up. They talked like they use to; open and honest. Nate made her promise on their friendship to stop cutting herself. He told her to call him any time to talk. She wanted to go home, so he drove her back.

"Let's go to breakfast in the morning, deal?"

"Okay Nate... and thank you."

Nate hugged her and made sure she got in her house, before he left to go back to the hotel.

Later that morning at breakfast Jenny told Eric and Nate that she was staying in Brooklyn to emotionally heal. She needed to take a break from it all and everyone. They promised to visit frequently throughout the summer. Jenny smiled and it stayed when they took her home. Eric hugged her and gave her a card. Nate hugged her and went to give her a kiss, which Jenny made sure landed on her cheek. Nate said he'd call her when they got back to the Upper East Side. She thanked them for visiting.

"Let us know if there's a weekend this summer that you want to come home for a visit, okay?" Eric said through the open car window.

Jenny waived good-bye as they drove away. She felt a little lighter and a bit more normal again. Even her mom noticed that her mood was better and on the upswing. Jenny looked over her summer school courses. Just like school, she had to work to get back on track.

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