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In the morning she saw Lilly and her dad, but they were off to see the Prince and discuss art. Jenny decided to change and go for a swim. She first dipped her toe into the pool, the temperature was perfect. There were sun chairs on the beach so she walked over and took a vacant one. Then once she got overly hot, into the ocean she went. The tow of the waves receding was incredibly strong and it was a work out not to be sucked away. She barely remained standing when the first wave hit her. Instead of backing into the waves she jumped over or dived under them. When she came up for air, Jenny at first didn't know why her eyes were burning. After she licked her lips she remembered, it was the salt water. As she was taken deeper into the water by the waves, a tiny bit of fear crept into her mind. Sharks lived in the ocean. But as she headed back for shore, Jenny didn't think that even the sharks could swim in the viscous undertow. It was a major task to walk back to shore. The waves dragged on her legs, trying to pull them out from under her. She was glad she had tied her bikini on good, the waves tried to rip it off. By the time she made it back to the beach, she was far down the shore. The long walk back to her towel, dried her up. That was plenty of ocean for her, back to the pool she went.

There was an outdoor shower to help her wash off the salt. Then she sat on a sun chair by one side of the pool. She checked her watch, glad that it was water proof and realized she had been longer in the ocean than she thought. It was already 2:30 pm. Jenny was listening to her ipod, when a shadow fell across her face. She opened her eyes and there was Nate, Chuck and Blair.

"Jenny you should put on some sun block or you will burn into a lobster colour," Blair said, handing her the lotion.

"Thank's Blair." Jenny applied it on her front. "Can you help me with my back?" Jenny asked her.

"Nate will have to, Chuck is working on my back, see...?" Blair asked.

Jenny glanced over and saw Blair getting a lotion massage. "Nice." She looked at Nate, who was wearing sun glasses. "Would you mind Nate?"

"Roll over and pass me the lotion."

When his hands touched her sides, she giggled. But it felt good, soothing as the lotion cooled her back. When he started on her legs, other ideas flooded her mind. As his hands ran slowly higher on her inner thigh, Jenny was glad no one could see her face. Nate was careful not to touch her private areas, as he applied the sunblock. Jenny wondered if he was as turned on by this as she was.

To distract herself from his hands she asked Blair, "is the lotion water proof?"

"Definitely," Blair said.

Once Nate was finished, Jenny offered to do his back and he accepted. She waited until he settled on his sun chair and then sat beside him. She loved running her hands down his back and did as Chuck had to Blair, working it in with a massage.

"That feels great Jenny, I might just pass out." Nate complimented.

Chuck said, "you're going to pass out because of how much we drank last night and partied to the early hours."

Blair joined in, "have any of you seen Serena since 2 am?"

"Nope. Last I saw she was dancing in a ring of guys."

"She definitely loves to party."

Jenny noticed Nate didn't say anything. She gently rubbed his neck, trying to let him know, she was there for him. She did his legs and then went back to her chair. He didn't move or say anything. His breathing was regular, Chuck had been right, he had fallen asleep.

Chuck looked over at Nate. "Just let him sleep a while Jenny, but keep an eye on how much sun he gets. As funny as it would be, he shouldn't be burned on one side."

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