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Serena finally got in touch with Nate. She didn't elaborate on exactly what happened with her and her dad. She was vague and just said it was a personal family matter. She emotionally shut him out. He asked her when she would be back and she avoided the question like a politician. Nate was totally frustrated. He wanted to help her through whatever it was, but she wouldn't let him. The golden rule of a relationship was if there was no trust, there was no partnership. Serena just wasn't communicating. If anyone could handle family drama it was Nate. Hadn't he been through hell and back with his family issues?

Nate's mood was dark. He went for a jog, air boxing as he ran. Other joggers passed by as he made his way through the park. Accidentally he came upon an Eleanor Waldorf fashion shoot. The models all had crazy hair and were jumping on a trampoline. He thought it was funny, but both Eleanor and the photographer were loving it. He watched for a while and saw Jenny there helping the models with their outfits. Jenny was pushed by a model and she fell. Nate recognized Agnes as the culprit. As Jenny got up he saw her wince in pain as she touched her side. Eleanor was barking orders at Jenny, so she had no time to think about anything. Nate saw that Jenny was really good at what she did. He stayed long enough to see Eleanor introduce Jenny as her assistant to the photographer. Jenny's smile was brighter than the sun. Nate finally left to continue his run, his mood a little lighter. When Nate finished his run, he sent Blair a text message that Agnes was trying to sabotage Eleanor's photo shoot. Blair said she'd make sure Agnes was not hired by her mom again. He'd never liked Agnes to begin with and knew she was a bad friend for Jenny.

Later that evening Nate went to see how Jenny was. She was surprised to see him and said so. "Hi Nate, what's up?"

He replied, "I saw you earlier in the park, at that photo shoot, when I was jogging. I saw Agnes push you. How are you?"

"Okay I guess. What you didn't see is what I landed on," Jenny said lifting up her shirt a little. Nate gasped when he saw the huge bruise. Jenny responded, "ya it hurts as bad as it looks. I can't even handle my shirt touching it!"

"How did you finish the shoot?"

"Will power and adrenaline. I didn't notice the pain so much, when I was distracted by everything else. Now I can barely move."

"Did you take any Advil?" Nate asked.

"No we're out. I'm waiting for Eric to get home so I can send him out to get me some. Dad said he'd be late. Dan only shows up for breakfast occasionally."

Nate replied, "I'll go get you some."

"Oh thank you!" Jenny said with relief.

"Want anything else?"

"Chocolate!" Jenny smiled.

He laughed and asked what kind. She told him to surprise her. Nate left and came back with Advil and a mint Aero bar. She shared her chocolate with him. They talked about the photo shoot and about Serena's call.

"I think my bruise is due to bad karma, from the whole Serena thing."

Nate said, "maybe. You know that old saying; 'what goes around comes around.'"

"Well considering how huge this bruise is and how bad it hurts, I hope karma is finally even with me." Jenny winced as she shifted on the couch. "Because if not, I don't know how much more payback I can take." Jenny stood up and practicality fell. "I'm getting stiff or maybe I pulled something," she said, grabbing the couch arm for balance.

"Are you sure you didn't get badly hurt? Maybe we should take you to the hospital," Nate said concerned.

"No way. I'm just bruised." Jenny hoped her voice sounded normal. She dropped her sketch book and a page fell behind the couch. She had to get down on her hands and knees to retrieve it. When she went to stand up, a sharp pain went though her back. Realizing she couldn't move, Jenny swore, "oh shit!"

GOSSIP GIRL TV SHOW Season 3+ (Jenny & Nate)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu