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Jenny looked in horror at the calendar. She counted the days again, just to be sure. Her period was late, almost two weeks now. It couldn't be true, Chuck had used a condom. After school she'd go to the pharmacy and get a pregnancy test with her lunch money. She had to know for sure. Jenny was nervous and jumpy all day. When school let out she practically ran to the store and then all the way home. She said a quick hi to her mom, ran upstairs to the bathroom and locked the door. She read the instructions three times. Pacing was hard in the confined space of the bathroom. Her phone alarm went off, it was time to check the results. Shakily Jenny picked up the stick. She dropped it on the floor in shock and screamed. When her mom came upstairs to see what was wrong, Jenny lied and said she smashed her toe on the door.

"Oh God, what am I going to do?" She whispered to herself.

'I'll make Chuck decide. It's his problem too.' Jenny thought to herself.

Over the next week Jenny called Chuck's cell phone at all hours, trying to reach him. She left many voice mails. She finally called Eric to see if he knew where Chuck was. Eric said Chuck had got on a plane and left the same week she had. Nobody knew where he was or had heard from him. When he asked her why, she said a quick good-bye and hung up. The concerned brother that Eric was, he knew something was up and called her back. She ignored his calls.

Jenny wrote Chuck a letter explaining her situation and that he needed to call her asap. When Eric gave her a surprise visit, she was at her breaking point, because Chuck still hadn't contacted her. That's when Jenny confessed to Eric that she was pregnant and terrified. They talked about her options and Jenny decided to have an abortion, but it was over $500 and she'd only saved up $100. Eric paid for the rest. They took a cab to the clinic, but Jenny told him to wait outside. An hour later she emerged from the clinic. Eric went to hug her to show his support and she flinched away. They took a cab back to her mom's. Jenny didn't talk and just curled up on her bed, rocking back and forth. Eric left her, promising to call her later that night. She said nothing, not even acknowledging that she had heard him.

When Eric called, Jenny didn't answer. He called the home phone and Jenny's mom said she wasn't feeling well. He tried repeatedly to contact Jenny all week, but she didn't respond. Finally he left her alone, she knew he was there for her. He'd also promised not to tell anyone what she'd been through. She did send him a text saying that physically she was fine. A month later she texted that she got her period again. Eric was relieved that the abortion procedure had worked, but concerned that Jenny refused to talk to anyone. He found out from Dan that Rufus was feeling guilty and regretted sending Jenny away. They thought she was just depressed, Eric knew it was much more than that. Rufus said Jenny barely spoke to her mom. Due to his promise, Eric couldn't tell anyone that Jenny's silence had nothing to do with them. He hoped that she would talk to him soon.

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