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Nate didn't even know where Chuck's private jet was taking them. But when the pilot announced their destination 30 minutes before their decent, a knowing look registered on both Nate and Jenny's faces. They were going to Prague, Russia. That is where Chuck had met Eva, a girl who brought out his humanity. Once they'd landed the limo took them to their hotel.  As was the usual Jenny noticed with Chuck, they had the most lavish, expensive suites. Chuck tipped everyone and of course was fluent in their language. More people spoke English here than she expected, but Nate said that was due to all the tourism. Nate said this was one language he never could learn. They arrived at night, the city was as busy as could be. Jenny found out that Prague never went to sleep. Bars didn't close, they were open 24 hours. A lot of businesses even after they were closed, had 24 hour contact numbers.

Chuck took them to the Ambassador Casino VIP Club. He signed Jenny up for the 'just for fun' package to learn how to play poker. He and Nate then went to join a private, cash only poker game. Once the program Jenny was in completed, she went out on the casino floor. Using some of her own cash, she got it exchanged and then went to the slot machines. She didn't want to play poker by herself. On slot machines, she could play hours and not even notice the time go by. Jenny was on a roll, she was up to $50 and luck seemed to be with her. The older lady beside her said that she was sitting at a good machine. Jenny was not sure what that meant, but appreciated the information. When she hit $100, then she called it quits. She made back what she had put into the machine and then some. A text from Nate confirmed what she'd expected, they'd be playing their poker game into the early morning hours. She walked around looking at the different games; roulette, poker, slot machines, etc. Eventually the smoke, lights and loud noise became too much for her head to handle. She sent a text to Nate that she was going to bed. Jenny took a shower before going to bed to get rid of the disgusting smoke stench in her hair. Just the peace and quiet of the room made her headache go away. It then made room in her mind for questions. Chuck was a notorious party animal, who'd done plenty of various drugs. Nate on the other hand, Jenny only knew that he smoked weed. Would this casino visit turn into an event like the Hangover movie? Jenny may have sold drugs, but she'd never done them. If they asked her to join them, she may try weed, but she'd never do anything else. Health class had shown pictures of brain damage from various drugs and she was terrified of having that happen. This was the thought in her mind as she fell asleep.

Nate left the game of poker, with Chuck still playing. Nate had lost all he'd come with, and was too tired to even care. The cigar smoke clung to his clothing. The night air cleared his lungs as he walked from the casino to the hotel. He went to the suite and took a much needed shower. His clothes he called the front desk to take away to wash. As quietly as he could he got into bed with Jenny. He thought he had woken her up, when he heard her talking.

"I'd like to try it, but I'm a bit scared. It's just weed right? It's not laced with anything?"

He waited and she said nothing else. He curled up around her and she unconsciously snuggled into him. Her breathing became regular as her dream broke. Nate realized that Jenny had a lot still to experience and he knew that Chuck would be a willing accomplice to help him do that. They would see what she was willing to do, just not push anything on her if she declined. Nate fell asleep with a grin on his face.

It was late afternoon when Jenny and Nate finally awoke. They ordered room service. Nate texted Chuck to see if he was asleep or still playing cards. Chuck replied he was up $5000 and planning to play the day away.

"Would you like to see Prague in the daytime?" Nate asked.

"Sure let me get my camera," Jenny said.

The two of them spent the afternoon sight seeing. It was very hot out and they went to a pub to have some drinks. Nate ordered a Czech beer Gambrinus and Jenny had their version of a Budwiser called Budvar. They ate some food and discussed Chuck's choice of location.

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