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The paper that Jenny wrote on Monte Carlo was well received by her teacher. Getting back to reality wasn't too hard. Eleanor had her busy at the fashion studio. Right after school she went to work, coming home late and staying up even later doing homework. It wasn't until the following week that she even had a chance to talk to Chuck or Nate. She found out that Chuck and Blair still were on rocky ground.  Serena had not yet returned, but she was no longer in Monte Carlo, according to Eric.

One evening Jenny decided to go snooping in Serena's room. She wanted to know where Serena was and if she was going to be away for a long time. If she was going to be gone, then Jenny could put moves on Nate. Even though Carter fit nicely into Jenny's plan, she knew something else was going on. This absence was not Carter related.  Jenny looked under Serena's bed and through the papers on her dresser. She was just starting to search through the closet.

"What are you doing Jenny?" Nate's voice came from behind her.

Jenny squealed in shock, bumping her head on a shelf and a box fell out of the closet onto the floor. She turned around slowly, stammering.

Nate was furious that he had caught Jenny going through Serena's room. He held up his hand to silence Jenny's excuses and explanation. "I'm so sick of lies! Nothing you say could justify your actions Jenny."

She got mad, how dare he act so self righteous. Jenny lashed out questioning Nate's morals. "Why do you hold such high standards for me, but you and Serena can do whatever you want?" Jenny was so angry that she was shaking. She tried to shove past Nate, but he captured her. She struggled and fought against his hold, cursing. He put her in a bear hug until she calmed down.

"Jenny stop."

Nate felt her sag. She looked up at him, eye to eye. "This is me Nate. Sometimes I make bad choices, just like everyone else."

Nate let her go. "You're right. I too haven't always had the best moral compass." He let out a big sigh. "So what were you looking for?"

Jenny squared her shoulders and said, "before I answer that, I have a confession to make." She took a deep breath and then blurted, "you're going to be angry with me again. But I really was trying to protect you."

"What?" He asked in a dangerous voice.

"Serena called for you and said she'd call back later. I promised her I'd give you the message. That was a few days ago." Jenny was tempted to add that she forgot, but knew he'd see right through that lie too.

Nate started to walk away, Jenny grabbed his arm. "Wait, I have a theory."

He pried her fingers off his arm. "I don't want to hear it."

"Yes you do!" She insisted, moving in front of him to block his way.

Nate stopped and waited for her to finish. "Okay, I think that it's not Carter's fault as to why Serena hasn't come back.  I think it's something to do with her father." Jenny finished and watched Nate's face, his expression didn't change. She hadn't expected that.

"She told me that before. But it doesn't excuse why she lied to me about it.  It's hard to trust a person who lies to you.  I could help her with her dad, she doesn't need to hide it. If you can't trust the person you're with, then who can you trust?"

Jenny didn't know what to say. She stepped out of his way and put back the shoe box that had fallen out of Serena's closet.

"Oh. Ok... umm... I'm sorry Nate."

Nate said nothing, but didn't completely leave either, instead he sat on the couch in the living room. Jenny brought him a coke. They sat in awkward silence for a few minutes. Then they both started to talk at the same time.

Jenny said, "okay you first."

"I was just going to say that I don't know what to do."

Jenny touched his arm gently, "maybe you should try calling her."

Nate said, "I've tried, it goes straight to voice mail."

"Do you know where she is?"

"No. She could be here in New York for all I know."

"Well I guess you'll have to decide how long you're willing to wait for her." Jenny tried not to let him hear the hope in her voice.

Nate barely heard Jenny, his mind was churning. He didn't think he should have to wait for Serena any more. He'd waited half his life for her as it was. He should call Chuck and go out. Nate stood up to leave.

"Jenny, no more snooping," he said.

She felt stupid. "Okay and if she calls here I will let you know right away. Maybe you could email her."

"Leave it alone, just stay out of it." Nate said a little harshly.

Jenny walked him to the door and said good night. She gave him a spontaneous hug. He didn't return it.

"Bye Jenny."

"Good night Nate."

She knew he was still upset with her actions, but they were nothing compared to the hurt Serena was putting him through. Patience was not easy for her, but she needed to have some now. She needed him to trust her again. "Damn, why'd he have to catch me," Jenny muttered to herself. She kicked herself for meddling. If she had just stayed out of it, Nate wouldn't be mad at her. The devil on her shoulder needed to shut up!

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