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In the morning, Jenny was feeling much better.  She came up to the sun deck and caught the end of Chuck and Nate's conversation.

"Speaking of taking the plunge, there's something I need to do.  But I need you guys with me." Jenny grabbed her towel.

They went back to the ocean. She went in up to her waist, Nate and Chuck both were on either side of her.  A wave came and she dove right into the water. Both guys were impressed with her courage. She surfaced with no problem.

"The lion has nothing on me," Jenny said referencing the Wizard of Oz.

Chuck laughed and splashed her. They had a water fight, with Chuck and Jenny teaming up on Nate. Laughing they went back to the beach.

"We're proud of you Jenny," Nate said.

"Shit, I'm proud of myself!" Jenny laughed.

They went to beach side pub and had a few drinks on a patio. While there everyone got a Gossip Girl blast.

GOSSIP GIRL here, update on Eric Van der Woodsen. He is following in Serena's foot-steps, little brother is getting drunk in public. I'll keep you posted..... you know you love me...XOXO

Jenny called Eric's cell and got voice mail.  She left a message and hoped he'd call her. Nate sent a text to Serena, but she wasn't in New York.  She'd get there as soon as she could.

GOSSIP GIRL giving you an update, Eric and his boyfriend have a very exposed break up. Poor Eric; lied to, cheated on and humiliated in public.

"Oh no, look at the picture Gossip Girl sent to everyone!" Jenny said.

Chuck made a phone call.  After the first call he made another. "I had someone pick Eric up. He's a mess. I'm having him brought to us out here. I will call Lilly and Rufus. Nate you call Serena."

"I'll call dad, you tell Lilly," Jenny said.

They all got on their cells and made their calls. Serena said she was in Los Angeles too and that Eric could stay with her. Lilly said that Eric had been accepted at Saint Martins in London and that she'd send him there to get out of the sight of Gossip Girl. Rufus said to thank Chuck for his quick actions.

"He's going to Saint Martins in the UK?  That's one of the best art and design universities ever!" Jenny said, as everyone got ready to leave the pub to head back to the marina.

"It's Lilly's way of dealing with public embarrassment, she never changes," Chuck sighed.

Jenny shook her head. Then asked, "when will Eric arrive here?"

Chuck thought about it a few minutes, "about five hours or so. He's coming on my private jet. We'll take a car to the airport and meet him there. If he's a drunk like his sister, he will find a way to drink everything on my jet."

"What a way to end the summer for Eric," Nate sighed.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he has a few days of fun," Jenny vowed.

"I just got a text from Serena, she's on her way here. I gave her directions to the marina," Chuck said.

Jenny let out a big sigh, she knew Serena would be cold to her. For Nate and later Eric, Jenny would be demure. She'd be friendly, but stay out of Serena's way. She was still a bit insecure, because her step-sister was Nate's first love and first lover. They'd always have that connection. Nate had been watching Jenny's reaction about Serena coming, her face hid little.

They waited for Serena to arrive, neither Chuck nor Nate had told her that Jenny was with them. She'd been out of town for the Gossip Girl blast of Jenny leaving with them for the summer. So when she got on board and saw her, the smile left Serena's face.

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