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Nate was so focused on driving, he had tunnel vision. It was the same when he had driven the Ferrari on the race track. But with street racing there were so many variables involved. His senses were on overdrive, super hypersensitive. He dodged traffic expertly, but where Nate was slightly cautious, the other local driver was not. In the end the other driver won the race. Blood still racing, completely exhilarated Nate parked and then got out of his car. People he didn't even know, congratulated him on the race.

"I don't get it, I lost," Nate said to Chuck.

"They have people stationed throughout the race, who relay the video via their cell phones. That way everyone can see it, even those not racing. That's something that was truth in the movies. Anyway, everyone appreciates a good clean race."

"Well I just lost two grand, maybe you can win it back," Nate said with mock sadness.

Chuck winked at him, "you have all night to win it back."

"Have you seen Jenny?"

"I thought she'd be with you."

Nate started to look around, but some people in the crowd talked to him about the race. Then some lolitas and harajuku girls draped themselves all over him. When he finally saw Jenny, she was about to go on a Honda Blackbird motorcycle. He recognized it as one of the fastest bikes of 2011, the CBR1100xx, a pretty scary machine. He excused himself from the girls and jogged over to her. Chuck followed shortly after, a girl on each arm.

"I don't think you should ride a motorcycle in a skirt Jenny."

Jenny stared at Nate, not saying a word. Chuck saw her anger build. He looked at Nate who was completely oblivious. "Nate..." Chuck said trying to get his friend's attention.

Nate ignored Chuck, continuing his lecture, "if you fall, your skin will come off on the road. Or worse on that sport bike it's so fast you would be dead."

"NATE," Chuck said in warning.

Still Nate ignored him, "it's just not safe, I wont let you ride it."

Jenny's eyes flashed in furry. Chuck saw her clench her fists. "Nathanial!" Chuck demanded.

Nate spun around to face Chuck, "What? I'm trying to talk to Jenny," Nate said in exasperation. He looked at Chuck expectantly.

"You're not doing a good job of it. She's angry as hell and in process of defying you. Look," Chuck said pointing in the direction of the revving motorcycles.

Nate turned around and watched as Jenny was given a helmet from one of the riders. He angrily called out her name.

Chuck observed, "she can't hear you now that the helmet is on."

"What is she thinking? She could get herself killed!"

Chuck calmly said, "she's not thinking, that's the whole point. You were acting like Dan or worse her father."

"I'm just worried about her hurting herself badly," Nate explained.

"Well, did you try just saying that, instead of forbidding her?"

Nate sadly shook his head.

Sighing in disgust, Chuck said, "you of all people should know how stubborn Jenny gets when she's forbidden to do something. Remember her dating Damien? Or her running away to start her own fashion line? How could you forget?"

Nate felt terrible, Chuck was right and he knew he'd been a complete ass to Jenny, "I messed up."

"Ya think? Anyway you broke our cardinal rule on vacation; doing what we want, when we want. It applies to Jenny, just as much as it does to you and I." As Chuck left to go race, he added over his shoulder, "I just hope she's okay and doesn't take off with that guy."

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