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It was some early am hour and almost all of the guests were gone. There was just Blake, Chuck, Nate, Jenny and three girls. They were all in the whirlpool drinking and talking. Even the hotel staff were gone, since they had cleaned up earlier. The music had been turned down and was only playing in the room where they were. Everyone had multiple drinks sitting on the ledge.

"Let's play my favourite game," Blake began.

Jenny took the bait, even though Chuck was shaking his head not to, "what game is that?"

"Truth or dare of course."

Nate and Chuck both rolled their eyes, Jenny grinned and the other girls winked at each other. To Jenny's right was Nate, to her left was Lisa. Beside Lisa was Sharon who sat beside Blake. Blake was beside Chuck and Brenda was between him and Nate. At first the dares were pretty silly, until it was Blake's turn to dare someone.

"Truth or dare Jenny?"

Jenny smiled easily, "dare."

Blake watched her closely and then said, "I dare you Jenny to french kiss Lisa."

Jenny hesitated a moment, looked at Nate and then leaned forward and did as she'd been told. Lisa, was a soft kisser and Jenny had to admit she liked the kiss.

"Ok that's long enough girls, save some for later," Sharon teased.

"My turn right?" Jenny asked and everyone nodded their heads. "Ok, truth or dare Lisa?"

Lisa thought about it and then said, "dare."

"I dare you Lisa to take off Brenda's top, with just your mouth."

Nate raised his eyebrow, "I like the sound of that."

As the dare was completed and the game continued, everyone eventually kissed everyone else, except for Nate. When it came to Brenda she dared Blake and Chuck to kiss. The way they kissed, everyone knew there was some kind of history between the two of them. All the girls found it very sexy, even Jenny. Sexuality just oozed from Chuck and Blake. Jenny looked at Nate, who didn't seem to care either way. Then Chuck had Jenny sit on Blake's lap and kiss him. Jenny couldn't help having her hand on his chiseled chest, to steady herself. Blake was an awesome kisser, but she liked Nate's kisses best. Blake's hands knew how to get Jenny's body to react. Once the dare was over, Jenny blushed. Nate was dared to kiss Chuck, but he declined, so he was double dared to get everyone new drinks, all completely naked. They were all pretty drunk at the time, most of them forgot to even look to see if he was getting the right drinks. After he came back there were more dares, eventually they were all naked.

It was Lisa's turn and Nate chose truth. "Is it true Nate that you have never kissed Chuck, ever?"

Nate grinned, "never." Chuck nodded this was truth.

Lisa asked a question out of turn and Chuck answered for Nate. "Nate loves women, he's not bi. I am, but I respect his choice, always have. We've been through lots and he is my best friend. But Nate only has eyes for women."

That satisfied everyones curiosity. But next it was Jenny who had to face truth. Blake asked, "so Jenny you had no problem kissing Chuck. But you seem to be with Nate. So we all want to know if you have had a threesome with them or want to have one?"

Jenny didn't look at anyone, she gulped down her drink. She could feel both Nate and Chuck's eyes on her. Everyone waited for her answer.

Blake gave a little push, "surely you have thought about it?"

She took a shot of whisky and then answered, "no, we haven't had a threesome." Then she looked right into Nate's eyes and with all the courage that booze gave her said, "but I have fantasized about it."

To Nate's credit he held her gaze and knowing she was scared of his reaction, winked at her and kissed her. "Now that's honesty."

When Jenny found the courage she looked over at Chuck, but he made sure not to be still looking at her. It was Jenny's turn now and she did get Chuck's attention when Blake chose truth. "So how do you and Chuck know each other? And don't just tell me it was business in Toronto, Ontario. We all want to know the dirty details!"

Blake laughed, but still first looked over at Chuck, who shrugged like he didn't care. So Blake filled them in. "Jenny was right, Chuck was in Toronto, with Bart Bass. We met on Church street, which is the gay district. He was there with some friends at a club. I had liked his hat, scarf and jacket. We hit it off and one thing led to another, some partying at his hotel.... Well you get the picture." That explained their intimate touches and when they kissed, the heat. Jenny knew Chuck was bi-sexual, she'd seen it already once before this summer.

The game of truth or dare ended. Lisa was deep in conversation with Nate, when Jenny returned from the washroom. "I'm feeling like a wrinkled up prune. I'm done with water for tonight. You should come out to the pool area and look out the windows."

Nate and Lisa did as Jenny suggested. Chuck, Blake, Brenda and Sharon got out too, but they were all making out with each other and took that to Blake's suite. After a few minutes of star gazing, Nate, Lisa and Jenny went back to Nate's room.

"May I use your bathroom to take a shower?" Lisa asked Jenny. "Chlorine makes my skin itch."

"Sure. Oh and I haven't used the robe in there, if you want it."

Lisa smiled over her shoulder, "thanks."

"I'm going to have a shower too, do you want to join me?" Nate invited Jenny.

"Sure, let me get my pjs, first."

After everyone had showered, they all had a drink that Nate made and then sat down on the bed talking. Nate began to give Jenny a back rub, so Jenny in turn gave Lisa one. Then Nate kissed Jenny on the back of the neck, to see if she would do the same to Lisa. It became a game, which everyone enjoyed. As the game became more intimate, Jenny wondered to herself if she could share Nate with another woman at the same time, or if she'd get jealous. But, Lisa surprised her, instead of her focus being on Nate, it was Jenny. So it was Nate who had to share and he was perfectly okay with doing that. Both he and Lisa pleasured Jenny. It was Jenny's first time with a woman and also first threesome.

GOSSIP GIRL NARRATOR: Exploring ones sexuality can be a fabulous adventure, when with the right people. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

In the morning Nate and Jenny woke up to find Lisa gone, but she had left a note thanking them both for a great night. She left her email address so they could stay in touch. They talked about what had happened, so Nate could make sure Jenny was comfortable with it all. That conversation led to staying in bed for the rest of the afternoon. Chuck didn't check in until late evening and said they had reservations at one of the restaurants in the hotel. Then in the morning they would have an early flight out. Next destination was Thailand.

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