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In the morning she joined Lilly and her dad for breakfast. Then they were going site seeing. At lunch they were meeting with Petra and her father. Then they would meet the Prince of Monaco II for dinner and then change to go to the fashion show. She had no time to think about Nate and Serena or what they were doing. Jenny took two memory cards full of digital film; the landscape, the ocean, the ships in the harbour, the racing banners and the locals. She was excited and anxious to meet Petra. Even though Petra's line was mens fashion, she had succeeded at a young age as a designer. Throughout lunch they talked about design and fashion. Jenny found out that Petra used the Formula 1 drivers as her models for the show. It was also the reason why the show was so early in the evening. The drivers all had to be up early for qualifying on Saturday morning. Petra liked Jenny and invited her to come and see her studio. Rufus allowed her to go, with the condition she was ready and waiting for pick up to meet the Prince at 6pm for dinner.

Jenny's face hurt from smiling. She was on cloud 9. Petra gave her some great ideas and information about her design business. And she was introduced to other designers and the top hair and make-up artists. The intern working with Petra said he had connections in New York and they exchanged email addresses. Time flew by quickly and soon she was saying good-bye so she could get back to the hotel and change. She ran into Serena and Nate. They told her all of them were meeting the Prince too. Everyone was honoured to be invited. Jenny noticed tension between Serena and Nate. Serena didn't seem overly joyous to have Nate there. She wondered what that was about as she changed. Jenny was wearing one of her own designs. It made her look a little older too.

"Jenny? Are you still there?" Frantic knocking and Nate's voice came from her door.

"Coming, just a sec!" Jenny opened the door.

Nate entered, "thank god you're here. My suite jacket has a rip in it. Do you think you can fix it in time?"

Jenny had him take off the jacket so she could see the rip. She got out her emergency sewing kit and made quick work of the stitching. She had him try it on and move around, just to make sure it wouldn't tear again. Nate's Armani jacket was as good as new.

"You saved me Jenny, thanks."

"You're welcome." She helped him with his tie and straightened the collar.

"Jenny you look very beautiful tonight. I like how you have your hair up." Nate said letting his gaze travel up and down her body.

"Thank you. Looking pretty handsome yourself."

They left her room and then went on to meet up with Chuck, Blair, and Serena. They all joined Lilly and Rufus in the lobby.  A limo arrived and they all got in. Everyone was excited to meet the Prince of Monaco II. They arrived at the palace, which sat on a mountain top over looking the ocean. It was too dark to see the spectacular view, but the palace was blazing with light. Everyone was escorted into the palace and the dining hall. It is very extravagant and breath taking. Everyone got seated. Lilly and Rufus were on the left, Chuck and Blair across from them, with Serena beside Blair. Nate was between Serena and Jenny, who was on the end. The other guests arrived and were seated, until every spot was filled and they all waited for the Prince to arrive. When he entered, everyone stood until he asked them to sit. A band assembled and played classical music as the first course of dinner was served. The Prince made a point of talking to everyone at the table. Jenny knew basically which cutlery to use, if she didn't know, she just watched Lilly or Nate. She was nervous for when the Prince would speak to her. Nate gave her a glance, because he could feel her tension. Her foot was wiggling under the table and he felt it on his leg.

"Young lady, your name is Jenny correct?" The Prince waited for her nod and continued, "Lilly tells me you are an aspiring fashion designer."

"Yes Sir, for women's clothing." Jenny answered shyly.

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