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It had been two days since they'd picked up Eric at the airport. Chuck had arranged for all of them to go to a LMFAO concert. They took a limo down and everyone had a great time. Eric and Jenny particularly liked the dancers as they recognized them as Quest Crew. Chuck surprised them when their limo arrived at the band's after party. It was a rental property called L.A. Villa. There was a rectangular pool, within a garden setting. The interior of the house was open concept, but currently was packed with partying people. They found drinks in the huge kitchen. Jenny and Eric chose to have a beer.

"Ugh, the smell of whisky makes me still gag," Eric said as he swallowed hard.

Jenny smiled at Eric and they went to the living room. The dining room table had been removed and the living room couch and chairs were along the wall. The living room was turned into the dance area. The polished tile floors made dancing easy. Quest Crew were in the centre of a ring of people, doing freestyle.  Everyone was treated to their new moves and fantastic break-dancing. Eric felt relaxed and left Jenny to mingle.

When she looked through the crowd, Jenny saw Serena talking to SkyBlu. She expected to see Nate with Serena, but he was no where to be found.  As she looked out the large windows into the backyard where the pool was, Jenny saw Nate and Chuck leaning against the palm trees. They were in deep discussion and were watching the people in the pool. She decided to go to the kitchen to grab some drinks, before joining them.

Nate and Chuck were talking about Jenny. "You like bringing out Jenny's wild side, admit it." Nate observed.

"Sure and you have to admit this summer opened up your eyes too. You liked it when she let loose and just was." Chuck replied. When Nate nodded, Chuck continued, " Jenny is who she is. Before her exile she sought acceptance in the world of the Upper East Side. When she realized she didn't need that acceptance, she grew up. She learned to play the game, but now she knows she doesn't have to play it. "

"Since when have you become so profound?" Nate teased.

"When I realized that with life you just have to go with it.  Like I've been saying all summer, just say yes to everything. When you face fear and move through it, then fear stops existing. Jenny took my advice in the beginning of the summer and look at the woman she is now. It's time you did too."

Jenny arrived to hear the last sentence of Chuck's speech, "it's time for Nate to do what?" She handed them new drinks.

"It was time for me to get us new drinks, but you already did that for us," Nate told a white lie.

Chuck saw a girl he liked and moved on, giving Jenny and Nate some alone time. "So what did you decide about going to London?"

Jenny looked at her beer bottle instead of Nate, "I owe Eric so much, he's been more of a brother to me than Dan has lately.  And it is the perfect university for me to expand my fashion knowledge."

"You sound like you are trying to convince yourself," Nate commented.

"In a way I am.  It's not like going to live with my mom.  It'd be in a completely different country. Sure no Gossip Girl, but I'd miss you..... and Chuck."

Nate lifted Jenny's chin and kissed her deeply. "Chuck's jet is always ready for us to hop on and fly out to visit you and Eric."

"You know that's not the same. It already feels like my family have forgotten about me. If I go to London, it will be like I don't even exist."

"We are all just a phone call or web chat away," Nate reassured.

"You're right, when you put it that way, I guess that yes, I am going." To Jenny it felt like Nate was pushing her away. The hope that had been flickering in her heart since he had told her he loved her, just got snuffed out. He had just loved her for the summer, but he didn't love her like she did him. Her voice cracked when she said, "I guess I will call dad in the morning and tell him that I will be going with Eric. Nate could you get me another beer?"

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