Jenny spoke first, "hi Serena, would you like a drink?"

Serena ignored her and said hello to Nate and Chuck instead. Then asked almost rudely, "what's she doing here?"

Chuck and Nate spoke in unison, "we invited Jenny to join us for the summer." They laughed and then Chuck said, "She's been with us since June."

Jenny got Serena a gin and sprite with a lime twist. Serena took the drink and quietly said, "thanks."

Nate broke the tension, "have you heard from Eric? Has he texted from the jet?"

"No.  And the Gossip Girl blast is the first I've heard about any of this drama," Serena confessed. "I hate her so much."

"As much as I find her a nuisance, we wouldn't have known about Eric's situation without her. Sometimes she's a necessary evil," Chuck observed.

Jenny sat opposite of Serena and as far away as the sun deck on the boat allowed. As much as she hated to admit it, Serena looked beautiful. Her hair was down and moving in the breeze. The sun dress was just above the knees, allowing Serena's gorgeous tanned legs to be seen. Jenny saw that Nate had noticed too. Chuck's shrewd eyes took it all in.

"I believe he should be arriving in two and a half hours. We'll all go meet him at the airport." Chuck said, after a moment of no one talking.

Finally Serena acknowledged Jenny, "did you know about Eric and his boyfriend?"

"The other day we were texting and he did say they were fighting a lot. I had invited him to join us, but..." Jenny stopped and looked at Chuck.

Chuck finished her sentence, "... but he still hates me."

Serena said, "we all have someone we hate," and looked Jenny in the eyes.

Nate decided to confront the situation now, before Eric got there. "Serena, Jenny has apologized repeatedly to you. She's stayed out of your way for almost a year now. You've done things in your past to people just as bad or even worse. Give it a rest. Eric's going to need both of you when he gets here. This childish grudge wont do him any good."

"Serena I am sorry.  I let my jealousy cloud my judgement.  I have changed, I've done a lot of growing up. Can you forgive me? Can we start over?" Jenny pleaded.

Everyone looked at Serena and waited for her to say something. "Well Blair forgave you and lifted the exile ban.  I'll give you another chance.  I accept your apology."

Jenny saw that Serena spoke as if she had sour candy in her mouth. But it was a start. "Thank you."

Chuck brought out some champagne and they toasted to the truce. "It appears we are all taking responsibility for our actions and becoming adults."

"Oh the horror," Nate said with mock shock.

They all laughed. Then Serena asked, "who's boat is this?"

"It's Chuck's," Nate said explaining how they'd got it.

Chuck, Nate and Serena shared what they'd done over the summer. Jenny sat there and listened. The outsider feeling was creeping in to her mind again, until Nate told Serena what had happened to Jenny yesterday.

Serena was genuine when she asked, "oh my, are you okay Jenny?"

"Ya, but it will be a while before I go into deep ocean water again."

Chuck had a thoughtful look on his face. "Jenny you said that you had been recording Nate surfing. I wonder, did you check the video? It may have still have been recording when you went under."

Jenny looked at him in surprise. "I don't know, I never looked. Wait one sec and I will go get it."

While she went to her cabin, Nate mentioned, "Jenny thought that if she had died you and Blair would dance on her grave."

Serena had the grace to look ashamed, "really? I would never want that to happen, you have to believe me Nate."

Jenny had heard what Serena said on her return. "Even if Nate doesn't believe you, I do. Thanks."

Chuck took the camera and found the footage of Nate. "Jenny's right, you are officially a California surfer dude. Check it out."

The four of them watched Nate surfing. Then Serena gasped, Chuck had been right, the camera recorded Jenny's ordeal. They saw her struggle to the surface, then the crashing wave that took her under. The camera had swung around and filmed her face as she gulped water. The sheer terror on Jenny's face, was captured on a corner of the video. The clip ended, when the camera landed in the sand on the beach. The life guard had taken the camera off her wrist. They figured that he must have accidentally hit the stop button.

No one said anything. They looked up from the screen to find Jenny standing with her back to them, leaning on the railing, looking out at the water.  Nate moved to go to her side, but Serena stopped him. Instead she went to Jenny, turned her around and gave her a bear hug.  Jenny returned the warm embrace.

"Did you tell Rufus?" Serena inquired, ending the hug.

"No way. Please don't tell him or anyone, they will just make a fuss over nothing. I'm okay and what's done is done."

"We wont tell anyone," Chuck, Nate and Serena agreed.

Then Nate added, "but don't erase the video. As scary as it is, it's also cool footage."

Serena and Jenny rolled their eyes. Jenny said she wouldn't. Chuck made a few more drinks and they all sat down together, discussing what to do about Eric. The two hours passed quickly and soon it was time to go to the airport. They all got into a town car to await Eric's arrival.

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