Both Nate and Chuck dropped the clutch, both already in gear. The tires squealed and smoke rose up from the burnt rubber as the machines launched into action. Chuck's front wheel came off the ground for the first few seconds and then he brought it back down, getting just ahead of Nate for the first turn. Most of the road Jenny could see from her view point, except for two straight sections, where forest on the mountain blocked it out. She could hear the scream of the motorcycles vibrating off the mountain, as the stillness shattered. They jockeyed back and forth for first place, throwing themselves low into the turns. She was glad the riding gear had re-enforced knees, because Chuck dipped so low she could see his knee touch the pavement. As hell bent as Nate was to beat Chuck, he just wouldn't risk his life on a tight turn and that's how Chuck ended up out distancing him. The turn, Jenny could see, if you weren't careful, would send you off a cliff into trees and nothingness. She was glad that Nate didn't risk it, but she secretly wished he had won. Once they reached the pre- selected end of the race, they turned around and rode casually back. Both sat up right on their machines, one hand resting on their thighs and other giving the gas. When they got closer, Jenny could see them shouting, over the engine noise, to each other, visors up.

"That was awesome!" Jenny said once they turned off the motorcycles and propped them on their kick-stands.

"I love this bike, but the Ducati handles better in tight corners."

"You're crazy Chuck, taking that one corner as fast as you did? I'd say the Blackbird did just fine!" Nate praised in awe.

The rest of the afternoon they rode more relaxed, sometimes going for short bursts of speed. Nate would tap Jenny's knee to signal they were about to take off, so she would hold on tight. Then he would shift and off they flew. The air wanted to rip Jenny off the back of the bike, so fast did they travel. They dodged in and out of the traffic like a football player going for the end zone. Everything was a blur. Jenny even found it hard to breath, due to the air pushing up under the helmet. But it was so worth it. Nate enjoyed feeling Jenny clamped around him, the pressure of her thighs squeezing tight, to help stay on the bike. He didn't understand why Chuck didn't like passengers, hence why Chuck had a bike without a passenger seat.

Once they were back at the hotel, Jenny found it hard to walk. It had been a long ride and her legs were sore. Nate complained about an aching back, so Chuck ordered massages for the three of them. When it was time to go for the concert, they were all relaxed and ready to go. Nate had a buzz from numerous shots downed with Chuck, so they took a cab to the show. Chuck gave them the backstage passes and they were given VIP treatment. The concert was in the Tokyo dome, which was called the 'big egg' by the locals. From the outside of the structure, Jenny could see why it was so named. They were positioned right in the front of the stage. Nate, Jenny and Chuck were glad they had brought ear plugs, when they saw the massive speaker stacks on either side of them.

The opening acts were ok, the local DJ played a set, with some dancers. That was better than one of the local singers that first went on. When Blake came on stage, the crowd surged forward. Jenny was glad Nate and Chuck were standing behind her. They used their bodies to buffer the other people, so Jenny wasn't crushed or pinned against the barrier. Both Chuck and Nate had various hands grope them from behind, but there were too many people to see who had done the offence. Blake's set had plenty of dancing, both himself and his backup people. The sound system guy wasn't that great, so his vocals were just okay. Jenny noticed that Blake and his male dancers grabbed their crotches a lot throughout the set. That choreography was a little over the top, but the crowd loved it all anyway.

Chuck and Jenny both appreciated that Blake mostly was shirtless and you could see his ripped abs. They glistened with sweat and it added to the sexuality that just washed off the stage and over the crowd. Blake noticed Chuck and gave him a wink. Jenny was dying to know how they knew each other. After Blake's set was done, they showed their passes and security took them back stage. They sat on a couch and were given soft drinks while they waited for the encore songs to be finished.

A very sweaty Blake McGrath came off the stage and plunked himself on the couch beside Chuck. An assistant gave him a towel. "Hi Chuck, how'd you like the performance?"

"You know you're always good," Chuck replied, his eyes following the towel down Blake's chest.

Jenny grinned, "your amazing when it comes to your dance routines."

Blake's eyes pinned hers, "I hear a 'but' in there."

Jenny cautiously said, "but the sound guy sucked and some parts of your vocals we couldn't even hear you. Also there were some pitch issues on the higher notes."

Blake looked thoughtful then shrugged, "come to think about it, I think you're right about the pitch. Sometimes it's hard to sing, during fast dance moves. As for the sound guy, he's not ours, but the Dome's guy."

He got up and talked to his dancers, hugging each of them and praising their performance. He also dealt with the other backstage pass fans and media. Then he quickly came back to them. "I've got to take care of this stuff, I'll meet you back at the hotel upstairs pool area. Just show them those passes and the security will let you into my after-party."

As they got up to leave, Blake's hand lingered in Jenny's as he shook it, "you look good enough to eat. Love the outfit."

To Nate, he said, "we need to play some water volleyball tonight!"

Then Blake kissed Chuck on the mouth, before being dragged away by his publicist. Once Blake was gone, Jenny and Nate had stupid grins on their faces as they looked at Chuck, waiting for him to say something. He declined reacting, which made their curiosity soar. They had a town car waiting to take them back to the hotel, which took a while due to all the traffic.

Back at the Park Hyatt hotel, they put on shorts and t-shirts over their swim wear. Then with passes around their necks, they headed up to the roof pool, via their private elevator. They were on the 44th floor, the spa and gym took up the 45th and 46th floor, leaving the 47th and roof top for the pool. They stepped out of the elevator to a breath-taking sight. There were floor to ceiling glass walls with a pyramid glass roof. Beside the 20 meter pool was a separate room with a large whirlpool. Lounge chairs were set up everywhere and to add to the relaxing ambiance light music played. The stared sky twinkled through the glass roof and the city lights shone below. There was an open bar and buffet style finger food table set up, just for Blake's guests. Nate, Jenny and Chuck were the first to arrive. They got some drinks and then sat on the loungers. Towels had been laid out on each lounger in advance.

"Let's go to the whirlpool," Nate suggested.

"No thanks," Chuck said, explaining he was happy where he was.

Jenny replied, "let's wait until more people arrive."

Nate gave her a look, "that's exactly why I want to go now."

She leaned over and kissed him long enough to show him that there would be more later. "I want to see who Blake's other guests are. Obviously his dancers, but I want to see if I recognize anyone."

Nate was bored and said so. He pounded back a few shots and then took off his shirt and dove into the pool. An attendant threw him a volley ball. He was in the process of bouncing it on his head, when Blake arrived.

"Looks like the party started without me," Blake said to the people with him. Then he took off his shirt and joined Nate in the pool. A few of the male dancers and two girls joined them.

A net was put up and they played a round of water volleyball. There was a lot of splashing and laughing. In the end the game was tied and the final serve was Nate's. It was returned by Blake and then one of the girls didn't get to it quick enough, so Blake's team won. They congratulated each other, with Blake bringing Nate a drink as he towelled himself dry.

"I have got to get this music changed or I am passing out way to early!" Blake said, going off to talk to one of the hotel staff at the buffet table.

"After watching you play, I feel like the whirlpool now. Chuck you joining us?" Jenny asked.

"Nope, I'm going to talk to some of the dancers."

Once they were sitting in the whirlpool, Jenny asked, "do you think I make Chuck feel like a third wheel sometimes?"

Nate kissed her neck and reassured her, "this is Chuck we're talking about right?"

Jenny giggled and said, "right, I should've known better."

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