"Why would I get sick?" Jenny asked fearfully.

Nate shook his head at Chuck. "Don't torment her. You'll be fine. Some people get sick the first time flying... kind of like on a roller coaster."

"Oh I get it. Well you don't have to worry, I love roller coasters!" Jenny explained.

"Then you have nothing to worry about," Nate assured.

As they taxied down the runway, waiting for clearance, Jenny watched out of the window. She heard Nate and Chuck talking, but was more interested in the takeoff. The fasten seat belt sign flashed and everyone buckled up. Then they began to pick up speed. It was a smooth take off, but her ears were acting strange. Nate and Chuck's voices were so quiet. Then Chuck told her to yawn. She did it and her ears popped, allowing her to hear again. She thanked him and he gave  her a nod. She thought the jet engines would be louder and said so.

"On a big passenger plane sometimes they can be. On a private jet like this, the sound proofing in the cabin here is superb. It's one of the reasons I wont fly unless it is in the private jet. Otherwise I get a terrible headache," Chuck added.

When the plane banked to the left, Jenny could see the ground through the clouds and was amazed at how tiny everything looked. Then they hit some turbulence. The plane shook and Jenny was wide-eyed in terror. Chuck laughed at her and Nate took her hand in his and told her it's okay.

"It's just rough air, nothing to worry about. It's a bit bumpy, but Chuck's pilot is one of the best."

"Okay," was all she could manage to say. She clutched Nate's hand in a death grip. He winked at her.

They gained altitude, riding above the clouds. The seatbelt light went off and the stewardess came to refill their glasses. Jenny was still not sure if she wanted to take her seatbelt off yet. Nate took it off for her. She didn't move, until he suggested she look out the window and check out the whip cream clouds. Jenny turned to look and was in awe.

"Wow this is beautiful! " She forgot to be scared.

Chuck looked out the window, "I've been flying so long, I don't even notice it anymore. But you're right, today the clouds are nice."

Nate watched Jenny as she takes it all in; the sun, the clouds and how they skim across the sky. He loved the wonder in her expression. Like a little kid first discovering ice cream. It's one of the things he loved about her; experiencing things for the first time. It made him see it through her eyes again. He was impressed that her curiosity even infected Chuck to take a look.

They had some snacks and then Nate and Chuck watched a movie. Jenny moved closer to the front of the plane, so she could do some homework and made notes for her essay. The clouds inspired her and she does up some sketches. She looked at them, something was missing, but she didn't know what yet. Putting her work aside, she joined Nate on the couch to watch the rest of the movie. Once the movie was over, the pilot gave a status update and advised they are flying over the Atlantic Ocean.

Jenny listened to Chuck and Nate's conversation. They are discussing the 'mile high club' and she rolled her eyes when Chuck bragged about his conquests. She was interested more in Nate's answer.

Nate laughed and said, "I'm a member, but I don't kiss and tell."

Chuck caught Jenny listening, "what about you Jenny, think you want to become a member some day?"

When Nate looked at her too, Jenny blushed. She was saved from having to answer because the stewardess came by with dinner. Jenny's eyes met Nate's and he winked. Then his attention shifted to the stewardess handing him his meal. Jenny kept her eyes on her plate and was impressed with the food.

GOSSIP GIRL TV SHOW Season 3+ (Jenny & Nate)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant