“Hey” his husky voice sent shivers down my spine.

“Hey” I replied, gazing back into his eyes.

His eyes travelled slowly up and down my body, drinking me in “You look beautiful” he said softly, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear.

I blushed at his compliment “Thank you”

He stepped closer and leant down, his mouth inching towards mine. I could hear audible gasps coming from people around us but at that moment, I really didn’t care. His lips met mine in a feather light kiss that had my insides quivering. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him closer as he deepened the kiss.

A throat being cleared caused me to jump back and I blushed right up to my hairline as Lux chuckled beside me. I looked over at Tammy, who winked at me.  “I’ll see you at lunch Mia” she told me, shaking her head knowingly and walking over to where the girls were sitting out the front of school, their mouths all hanging open.

I giggled and waved at them. Lux took my hand and pulled me towards the school, oblivious to the many people staring. I didn’t miss the hateful glares I was getting from the girls obviously interested in Lux, but screw them because this man is mine!

As we approached the school doors, I attempted pulling my hand free form Lux’s which only caused him to tighten his grip on my hand. He looked down at me warningly, with one eyebrow raised.

“What if people stare at us?” I asked worriedly.

I suddenly felt nervous at the idea of people staring at me or whispering. I hated being the centre of attention, in fact it was the only thing I liked about being home schooled all this time – no one to judge or criticize you.

“Well at least they know you’re mine” He said smirking down at me with a wink and he squeezed my hand for reassurance. Letting out a deep breath we carried on down the hallway to my locker, while I tried desperately to ignore the whispers and stares that followed.

As we rounded the corner to my locker, I noticed Alex leaning against it, arms crossed, waiting for me. Her eyes grew wide as she turned her head and saw us coming towards her.

She smiled knowingly at me “So, it is true!”

I giggled at her excited expression as she ran over and pulled me in to a tight hug, whispering into my ear “I’m so happy for you Mia”

“Thank you” I whispered back

With a big smile on my face, I turned and opened my locker, exchanging my bag for my school books.

I thought that Alex would be a little bit jealous but it turns out that she’s just as happy for me as everyone else. Nothing could possibly ruin the mood I am in!

As I turned back to Lux I saw the same guy Lux was with outside school making his way towards us.

“Sup, man” The stranger greeted Lux and they did that typical hand-shake-hug thing that guys do.

They stepped away from each other and I just stood there awkwardly unsure of what to do. There’s no way I’m doing that guy hug thing, knowing me I’d end up head butting him. Talk about a bad first impression...

“Jesse, hey, have you met Amelia?” Lux put his arm around my waist and pulled me to his side possessively as Jesse looked at me appreciatively. I inwardly glowed at this simple action, his touch causing heat to flow through me, but I silently contemplated why Lux called me Amelia all the time. Everyone else calls me Mia so why doesn’t he? I’ll remember to ask him that later.

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