Chapter 1

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"Elena!" my mother yells from the bottom of the stairs.

"What?" I yell down to her.

"Would you come down here please? I have some news." She sounded nervous, yet excited.

As I walked into the kitchen, my mothers head snapped up.

"Take a seat dear." She says with a warm smile on her face. "Mom, what's going on? You're creeping me out."

She audibly sighs. "I'll cut to the chase then. Honey my job is making me transfer to England. Not forever! No, no." She reassures after seeing my worried expression. "But, we don't know how long it'll take."

"Does this mean we're moving to England?"

"Not us, sweetie. Me." Immediately, I jump out of my seat.

"So you're just gonna leave me here alone? Mom, I'm only 16! I can't live by myself for who knows how long!"

"Honey, calm down. Let me explain." she says calmly, remaining seated.

I nod for her to continue, so she does. "I would never just leave you here. You'll also be moving, just not to England. You my dear, are moving to LA." she says, a smile on her face.

"How does that make any difference? You'll still be leaving me by myself, just in a different country!"

"No, no. You'll be staying with my old college friend, Libby and her family. She was the only one of my friends that I completely trust with my daughter. She's also the only one who would take you in on such short notice." she mutters the last part.

Choosing to ignore her statement I continue to ask questions. "What do you mean short notice? When are you leaving?"

"In two weeks, but you're leaving in one week."

"One week?!"

"Honey I know it' soon bu-"

"But there's still three weeks of school left! A-and I don't know how I'll say goodbye to all my friends in time. Wait. How come I leave a week before you do?"

"I already talked to your teachers and they said you won't be missing much during the last two weeks, so it's totally okay for you to miss it. How about we throw a party, the day before you leave. That way you can say goodbye to all the friends you didn't at school."

I nod my head slowly. "Okay, but why am I leaving before you again?"

"Well, I'm going to fly with you to LA so I can speak to Libby and give her all your information. I also just want to see her again, it's been so long! Then I'll stay in LA for a few days and fly out to England from there." she smiles.

I nod again, feeling an uneasy feeling in my stomach. "Hey, be happy about this. You've always wanted to go to LA right?"

Yet again, I nod, not being able to form words. "Great!" she smiles. "You might want to get your suitcases out of the basement!" she calls before exiting the kitchen.

After finding three empty suitcases and hauling them into my room, I pull out my phone and call my best friend Vanessa.

"Hey babe! What's up?" her voice chirps through the phone.

"Vanessa," my voice shakes. "I'm moving."

The line is quite for a few minutes and I'm starting to wonder if she's even there anymore.

"V? You there?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm here." her voice has lost all the happiness in her tone. "Wow, um, when do you leave?"

Jerk. {Cameron Boyce}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ