Chapter 22 - His Wife

Start from the beginning

He was one big mouth who loved to talk big and showed off. Kara slightly regrated her willingness to let him coach her.

"This rich family, Angelopoulos. They are nuts!" he said.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know Angelopoulos? The richest family in the country? Last time they came here they tip each of us as more than our wages in a week. Are you their babysitter?" He asked. "Lucky you, they must pay you well. I saw the kids adore you."

"Oh yes they are." She replied, wanted to bite his head off already.

"You are too pretty for a baby sitter you know, you can be a model or something." He added.

"Thank you...."

David placed his bow on the ground. He then pointed the bow in her hand and started to give her instruction, "now, you have to have a good grip on this part and shoulder down and level...." He touched Kara's shoulders to fix her posture. Next he circled his hand around her neck to grab the string. "When you pull this string, make sure you touch your cheek like this..." and he greased his finger against her smooth cheek.

Oh man, Kara knew it too well, this guy was a dick. He ignored her wedding ring that clearly sparkled against the sun right in front of his eyes and he acted like he was the hottest and greatest archer in the world.

"Back in the day my dad used to take me hunting, you know rabbit and deer... He wanted to train me to be a strong man."

"You are clearly looking strong David." She commented, boosting his ego while deep down inside she wanted to throw up.

"Thank you Kara. You know I told my son that, be strong because only strong men deserve to live. Weak people will be bullied."

Kara stopped moving, she heard that before, the words weak people deserved to be bullied.

"Your son sounds like a strong boy, what's his name?" she asked casually.

"Yes he is, his name is Shane, he is twelve now. I keep pushing him since he was a baby...."


Kara took a step out from his arms to face him, "this hunting arrow that you used... Does it have different head than this one?"

"Of course." David looked like a little disappointed when she was away from his reach, so he took a step forward trying to be close to her again but she took a step back again and put her bow in front of her to create a barrier.

"How much damage can it do to human?" she asked again.

"It can kill..." David shrugged.

"What about this one? This is pretty blunt."

"Even this blunt one can hurt people...."

"Okay..." lifting her bow up and pulled the string, she was aiming at David's chest.

"Kara, what are you doing?"

"I am trying to see how deep it can go."

"Kara... don't..."

"Let's see how strong you are David..."

"Kara.... " David raised his shaky palms up.

Some people started to run closer. Most of them were Stefan's relatives. They were circling Kara and David.

"Sweetie, put the arrow down..." Agnes called her.

"Stefan..." someone yelled for her husband and she saw him running closer, his face turned pale. Theodore followed from behind but he strolled calmly and he arrived with big smile on his face.

That old man read her well.

"Sweetie, put the bow down." Again Agnes said.

"So, where do you want it to be, head?" she lifted the bow slightly higher, "eye?" she shifted to the left, "chest?" she lowered the bow, "or down there?" she lowered the bow again, aiming his junk.

People gasping.

"Kara baby...." Stefan called her but she ignored him. Her eyes sharp to her target.

"Groin it is!" Kara mumbled and released the arrow without further warning.

Everyone screamed in horror and David fell to the ground with arrow stuck on his pants, right below his junk, on the left side of his inner thigh. He held it tight and groaning in pain.

"Oh my god, oh my god....." Agnes jumped around in panic. And the rest of the girls screaming and yelling like chickens loosing their heads.

Kara approached as if she wanted to check on David but when she got closer she stepped on his thigh and pulled the arrow out, she then checked the arrow head and smile, "I thought so. No blood. You are lucky David, you have a small dick."

Men started coughing and Stefan wiped sweat from his forehead in disbelief.

"Your wife bro..." Gabe elbowed his arm gently with big grin on his face.

David tapped his groin and his thigh making sure that he wasn't injured and when he heard her insult he stood up and walked toward Kara to settle the matter with her. He clearly forgot who he was and that he shouldn't hit a woman.

Stefan was ready to shield his wife but Kara moved fast, she stuck the arrow head under David's chin, stopping him from moving forward. He was shaking in rage.

This woman had humiliated him in front of two dozen of people and his colleagues and he couldn't do anything to hurt her back.

"Don't even think about it." Kara pushed the arrow even deeper, "Now David, tell me how strong you are?"

He groaned.

"Weak people deserve to be bullied, you said it yourself. This is me bullying you asshole. Now, when you get home, tell your boy to stop bullying his friends. Or I, Kara Angelopoulos will buy this place and put you as a target practice down there. Do we have an understanding?" she asked, her eyes glared at him menacingly.

David nodded, "yes..." he whispered. "yes...." He just got the shock of his life. Calling one of the Angelopoulos a babysitter and flirted with her. He was just thankful that the big guy there that seemed like Kara's husband didn't punch him to death.

"Good." She threw the arrow on the ground and Stefan quickly grabbed her hand, "okay, enough! Let's go home." He growled. Stefan wanted to laugh but he couldn't. His wife clearly a lunatic and trouble maker and he had to be able to control her.

"Don't worry Stefan, I'll call my lawyer."

"It's not that Babe, you're crossing the line." He whispered.

"His son used Thomas as a punching bag, what do you want me to do? This is me eliminating the problem, from the root." She answered back.

Stefan rested his forehead on her shoulder, "I don't know what to do with you...." He complained, clearly looking tired.

"Let me be." She hugged his big body. "I can take care of myself okay? Don't you worry about me...."

"But your aim was perfect. I'll give you an A." he praised her.

"What are you talking about?" she frowned, "I missed...."


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