"Hey Drew, how about you come to mine on Fri?" She purred and placed her hand on my chest, I slapped it off she frowned at me, god she pisses me off.

"Sorry Chelsea but I'm not interested now" she put her hand and squeezed my bicep a bit. God, she thought that still turned me on? The feeling of another girl touching me that wasn't Lynn made my stomach queasy. I stepped back feeling bile rising up my throat at the thought of being with her again "stop it I don't like you, never have, never will."

"But we could be so great together Drewie"

I another took a step back she huffed annoyed and stepped towards me, this was such a waste of my time on a girl I don't even like. I decided to walk away but before I could she pounced and put her lips over mine, I was shocked and couldn't move at all, all I could see was Lynn's face so I shoved her off me and squirted whatever water was left in my bottle all over her.

"You asshole! You have ruined my make up!" She squealed sounding like a screeching bird... What did I even see in her?

"Well, you shouldn't have done that then. If I had kissed you without your permission wouldn't that be considered harassment? So just think about what you did for a moment." I turned and saw Cole smirking at me with a glint in his eyes which showed me he did something. All I needed was to see his sly smirk and that glint in his eyes and I know it means trouble.  God knows what when it comes to him; he's always been so unpredictable. I went into the locker rooms and took my bag and headed to the car park in a bad mood.


"Alright Drew, I believe you, Chelsea needs to understand what she can and can't do. I'll go talk to Lynn and see how she is. You go home okay? I'll call you when you should come to hers." I nodded and turned towards my bike. All I can do is hope she understands. If she doesn't god knows what I'm going to do to win her back.

Lynns POV

Alex came in and sat in the front seat, he turned to look at me with a flood of emotions in his eyes. A mixture of hazel around the pupils and then the rest of his iris is dark blue, they were captivating as if he was a hypnotiser and every on-looker, a patient. "Okay, so I hope you know that Drew is really pissed off and upset right now so I would give him time to cool down." I nodded and listened to what he was saying

"Drew went outside to get his water bottle since he left it on the field, Chelsea came up to him and started talking about them getting "together" this weekend," I squeezed my eyes together at the mention of them together and Alex noticed and started talking again, "no wait! I'm not finished he said no to her because he's into another girl and she got annoyed and started saying how good they would be. He started walking away but she kissed him before he could get away, he was shocked at first and didn't do anything but then he realised what was happening and he pushed her off him and then sprayed his water all over her"

A smile played on my lips imagining how annoyed she would've been; if only I was there to see that. But I don't know if he's telling me the truth? What if it was all bull to go back to how things were? Kaitlyn was catching her breath from laughing at Drew's actions towards Chelsea. I hate that b*tch, Chelsea, more than broccoli.

"Take me home please," I said to Alex it was about five thirty so I should be getting back by now. He turned around and started the car. We reversed out of the school car park and I noticed how Drew's bike wasn't there. He must have left already. I thought to myself, leaning onto Kaitlyn's comforting shoulder and wiping away all the tears and thought about Drew. I hope what Alex told me was the truth, but the thought of another girls lips on his already creating a burning feeling in my stomach. He didn't mean for it to happen and it wasn't right of me to react that way but after this small period of knowing him, I've accepted the way I feel now. The reaction to it all just back ups that I care more than I like. But what if that's a good thing?


We arrived at my house in about ten minutes and I unlocked my door there was a note on the table so I looked at it 

'Ellie and I have gone out to get dinner, you weren't here so we left without you sorry xxx

P.S. Money on the side for food see you later bye c:'

I sighed and headed up to my room for a shower to refresh myself. I looked in the mirror and wasn't shocked at the redness of my face and eyes. Over the past few years, I had gotten used to seeing my eyes bloodshot and my cheeks rosy from the flushes the anxiety brings on. It didn't help my appearance but then again what does. I quickly stripped out of my clothes and went into the shower. I made sure the water was cold to get rid of the heat my body was emitting and washed my hair. I came out of the shower shivering. What better way to combat feeling cold than chucking on a baggy jumper? I matched my super trendy look with a pair of tight black yoga shorts and some fluffy socks. Nice and comfy, just what I needed.

I looked into Drew's room and saw he was nowhere to be seen. His light was off and curtains were drawn close, I got really curious and started thinking of things that could have happened and where he could've been. Maybe he went a long way home? Surely not it had been at least an hour since I got back and the longest way home is only thirty minutes. To get food maybe? I knew I was avoiding the most obvious answers to my questions just because I didn't want to think about them. The idea of him fighting right now made me tense with worry and... and I didn't want to even think about him being at another girl's house.

I thought about the two last ones some more even though I didn't want to and hoped I was wrong so I decided to go and see if his mum knew where he was so I put on my trusty pair of vans and walked over to his house. I knocked on the door three times and waited.

"Hi Lynn how nice to see you!" Christina said smiling at me giving me a welcoming hug. These past few days I've seen Christina quite a lot. She's grown on me and she's an exact copy of my mother; I can see why they get along so well.

"Nice to see you too! I was wondering if you knew where Drew had gone?"

"Oh he said he was going to work, I can't believe he has a job now, can you? He's all grown up." She smiled proudly obviously thinking about her son with pride. I nodded happily 'yeah'. If she only knew her son's job. How dangerous it was and how sketchy it all is. The things I'd heard about the place he fights were nothing but horrible. Guns, knives, people dying, the whole lot. Today just isn't my day is it?

"Thanks, Christina. I'll see you soon bye!" She waved goodbye to me and shut the door, I started walking to the area Drew fought at. Well, at least I think it is. I hope he isn't hurt cause it will be all my fault. I need to tell him everything okay. I need to tell him I don't care about Chelsea and I need to tell him about my feelings. There's no looking back now. 

Drew.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz