Chapter 13 - The Dance

Start from the beginning

She heard some whispered in the background. Everyone knew their families were sworn enemies. Her ambush here was like initiating world war III about to happen but she shrugged them off. Unimportant people whispering unimportant gossip, she didn't have time for it.

"Hi?" Stefan replied with his confuse tone. He thought she wouldn't dare coming to him since her grandpa was in the same room and Stefan was sure that old man wouldn't happy to see her talking to the Angelopoulos boy.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked again, extending her hand like a prince charming asking for a princess to follow him.

"Yes sure. What's going on?" he pulled his hand out his pocket and took hers absentmindedly.

Kara dragged him away from the bunch girls who stared at her evilly. They knew how difficult it was to grab that man's attention and here the Singleton princess managed to make him do what she asked  without breaking a sweat.

Kara stooped when she reached the dance floor, her hand was still holding his.

"What is it? Are you alright?" he asked with worry.

"I am fine. I just want to dance...." She grinned.

"Huh?" he blinked, taken aback by her weird request.

"Dance with me Stefan."

"Why?" he raised his eyebrows, fully aware of how Grandpa Singleton eyed them from afar together with his group. Bunch of journalists were ready with their cameras at the edge of the dance floor.

"Why not?" Kara asked him back.

"We both know what your grandpa will do if I touch you. What is going on?"

Kara groaned, she needed to proof to her grandpa that she wasn't bluffing and yet Stefan hadn't make his move.

"Please, dance with me?"

"Not till you tell me what's going on. Why are these journalists here ready to take our photos?"

"Stefan! I swear to god, dance with me!" she gritted her teeth, impatient by his hesitation.

"Are you feeling okay?" again he was taking his time.

"Stefan!"she slightly pinched his wrist.

"FINE!" he shook his head amused, "Come here!" And without warning he pulled her against his body till her cheek hit his hard chest. Shamelessly he rested his hand on her bare back and the other one held hers. From afar it looked like he was passionately handling his fiancé but Kara knew he did it because he was annoyed.

She arched back a little so she could glare at him, protesting his cave man move.

The way Stefan pulled her was rough as if he was angry but his face showed the opposite. Hazel eyes gazed at her gently and his lips twitched up.

"Yes?" he asked.

She shook her head when she saw his smile. "I hope this is not the way you handle your woman."

He laughed softly, "Of course not, I'll handle my woman like porcelain." He replied.

"Good." She commented shortly, slightly disappointed that he didn't treat her that way. Oh well, he hated her anyway, what did she expect? And she was sure when she told him about the marriage thingy he would go nuts on her.

They glided quietly following the song ignoring camera flashes that started to flicker in the background.

"Miss Evil. You look beautiful tonight." Stefan finally got the chance to compliment her.

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