I nod my head, "I love you Gemma."

"I love you too." She says, leaning forward to place a kiss on my cheek.

I return the gesture before I pull back and she looks at me for a moment, "What?" I ask.

"You gonna tell Jax about Mason?" She asks and I look down at Thomas, straightening up his club beanie, "Not just yet. I want him to settle in before I tell him. What with everything that happened on the inside it didn't seem like the best time. Besides, I also want to make sure he's ready, as well as Mason. It's not something I can just drop on the two of them."

She nods her head and we hear the sound of Harleys coming our way. She looks down at Thomas with a big smile, "Daddy's home."

I let out a laugh as we step forward and see the bikes pouring into the lot, everyone cheering at their arrival. Jax pulls up in front of me and gets off the bike. He pulls off his helmet and walks over, pulling me against him. I smile widely as he begins to kiss me and I wrap my free arm around him tightly. He pulls back and looks down at Thomas, placing a kiss on the top of his head, "My boy."

"Say hi to Daddy!" I hear Tara say from behind us.

I turn in time to see Abel running towards Jax and he jumps into his arms, "How're you doing? Alright?" Jax asks, smiling as wide as he can at his son.

I turn and see Clay walking towards me and I hold an arm out, embracing him, "Welcome home Clay."

"Hey Darling, how's my grandson?" He asks, looking down at the little guy and running a hand over his head.

"Perfect like his brother." I say and he smiles, placing a kiss on my cheek.

He steps back and Bobby and Tig walk to me and they throw their arms around me and I let out a laugh, "Good to see you beautiful." Tig says and Bobby nods, "Missed you Darling."

I wrap my arm around Bobby and place a kiss on Tig's cheek, "Good to have you both home."

They step back and I walk over to Happy, giving him a hug and then quickly hugging Juice. As he lets me go I hear Clay call out, "Chapel, ten minutes!"

I give Juice's arm a squeeze before walking back over to Jax who sits with Abel at the table, him colouring in. Tara sits at the other end of the bench and I take a seat in between them, pulling the pram over with my foot. I reach in and gently put Thomas in and I run my finger down his face, smiling widely. I notice Jax looking at me and I give him a wink.

"I better get to chapel." He says and I smile, "Okay babe."

He places Abel beside me and gives me a quick kiss and I place my hands on the side ps of his face, holding him for a moment before letting him go, "Love you babe."

"Love you too." He says before turning and making his way to chapel.

I smile after him and I turn to see Tara smiling at the two of us, "What?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "Nothing, I'm just glad you're both so happy."

I smile and look down at the ground for a moment before looking up at her, "What about you huh? How's David?"

She blushes, "We're good. It's our one year anniversary in three weeks." She says and I smile at her, "Wedding bells?" I ask and she shakes her head, "I don't think so."

I chuckle, "You'll get there soon enough."

She blushes before looking at me, "What about you huh?" She asks and I roll my eyes, "You know Jax."

She nods her head, "I do know Jax and I think it'll be here sooner than you know."

"I don't know about that." I say and I look up to see Lyla walking towards us, "But I do know that the bride is heading our way." I say, the kids following behind her.

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