The Awakening of the Vampire Princess Ch.31

Start from the beginning

         “Now lookie here. The whole gang has finally come. I hope you enjoy your deaths, I know I will,” she flashed them all a dangerous smile, her eyes trained on Rebecca specifically.

          “Hello boyfriend-stealer.”

           “I didn’t steal Tom. He was my soul mate,” Rebecca coolly said, yet I could tell she was afraid. Afraid of what Amber would do to her.

           “No. You stole him from me. He was my soul mate and boyfriend. You’re such a bitch,” Amber’s gaze turned from mocking to cold.

           “What are you afraid of Becky? Perhaps losing Tom?”

           Rebecca gasped and a second later Tom dropped on his knees. He was shaking and his body started to loose colour.  Amber walked over to him and touched his shoulder; his hand darted out and caught hers before she could touch him.

           “You don’t know what you’re doing,” he threatened, but Amber just gave him one of her smiles before she punched him. He flew back a couple of metres and collapsed onto the ground.

           “Get up Tom. I know you aren’t dead,” Amber sang, her voice carried through the forest like wind chimes.

           Tom got up and started coughing up blood. He had a nasty cut running down his calf and one on his hand. A second later that cut was healed and he got up.

           The black aura that was around Amber seemed to thicken and curl around her more. I looked at Tom, noticing he had a violet aura surrounding him.

           “You’ll pay Amber.”

           He lunged for her so fast I couldn’t keep track of his movements. Fists kept flying everywhere, but they didn’t connect with the target, soon kicks followed. It was like some type of a warrior’s dance, the way they dodged each others fists and kicks, like it was choreographed.

           Soon they got so fast you could only see violet and black. It looked like they were fusing into a big ball the way their colours seemed to fight. And then it happened. Tom hit her in the gut and she flew back, right into a huge oak tree.

            The minute she hit the tree it was like a sonic boom. I could hear a crack as if her bones were breaking; it was the most horrific sound I ever heard. Amber’s lifeless body collapsed onto the ground. Tom walked to her, nudging her with his foot. She still didn’t move. I couldn’t even hear her pulse anymore.

           She was dead.

          “She’s dead,” Tom whispered. My mom started to sob.

           Tom knelt down and touched her neck.

           “Gotcha,” Amber’s hand darted out and she touched his shoulder. Tom fell onto the ground and writhed as if he was possessed.   

           “TOM!” Rebecca cried frantically, dropping to her knees to check his pulse.

           “What did you do?”

           Amber smiled simply and in a slip second she was standing beside Rebecca.

           “Sweet dreams.” She punched her in the gut and Rebecca collapsed.

           “You lying bitch,” Amber spat.

           “Stop this madness Amber. You don’t know what you’re doing,” my mom tried to reason with her.

            “Don’t I?”

            “Leah is messing with your head.”

             That didn’t seem to faze Amber in the slightest, she just became more enraged.

            “What did you say?” she shrieked.

             “She is screwing with your mind,” mom tried to reason with her.

           Amber’s black cloak seemed to thicken and spread out.

            “What’s happening?” I whispered.

            The wind started to pick up around us and I shivered. I still couldn’t move, so I just watched dumbstruck as the scene before me unfolded. Amber seemed angry. Really angry. She was screeching on the top of her longs and that black aura seemed to come out of her mouth. It was like she was made of that stuff. The picture was beyond creepy.

          Amber started floating towards my mom. She wasn’t even walking, the black aura was carrying her and she seemed in some type of trance. Suddenly, Justin stepped in front of mom and stood in Amber’s way.

         “Stop this now before I hurt you,” he warned her. She just laughed his warning away, as if nothing in this whole world would hurt her.

         The wisps of black seemed to get bigger and swayed; they made her even more violent.

         “I’ll kill you Justin, just like your brother.”

         He stepped closer to her and the black aura attacked him immediately. Justin disappeared from sight and I began to worry. However, I still heard his heart beating.

        Then, the black aura disappeared into thin air. The air stilled as if there was no wind at all. Then, as the black smoke cleared around Justin and Amber, I saw him kissing her. Amber’s body slumped and I knew it was over.

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