43. It's For The Better

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Louis William Tomlinson

Dear Louis,

Thank you for your response. Meet me tomorrow around two to discuss on this further. I am so glad for the decision,I promise, you will not regret your decision.


Mr. Lenard Knight.

I waited outside the Mr. Knight's office till I was called.

After the conversation I had with my mother, I went back home and thought all about it. I decided that this was the right time to move. It will be difficult but that's how things work in life, difficult at first and then it slowly eases out.

The office door opened and I saw Mr. Knight peep out.

"Come in, Tomlinson." he gestures to come in to his office. I got up and walked in. Mr. Knight closed the door behind me and put his arm across my shoulder. "How are you feeling today?" he asks me.

"I'm good." I nod and say. He pulls out a seat, I sit and he walks and sat down on his chair. "I was glad to hear that you finally agreed in for this." he says. "As you said, opportunities like these come rare." I quote his words.

"Yes, Now we are here to discuss your life in the United States." he begins. I wasn't sure of what he was saying but soon I figured that I will be doing a year at Stanford and will a part time professor for the undergraduates. Since my subject was English and Drama, I would have to do a course in that.

"It sounds a little strange but it works. Three years in the States and when you get back here you need to maybe get another degree because of country difference."

"Mr. Knight I find it a little strange."

"I know and you're young. Let me tell you one thing Louis, working hard and earning these degrees will support you in the future. For all you know, as time goes by, you might be in my seat heading a school." he tells me.

He further explained what my accomodation in California will be like. Everything sounded like a mess but I figured that everything has to be a mess and I will figure my way. Anyway, by the end of it, I was sure that I was flying to California at the end of this month.

As we were winding up everything, I received a message from Harry saying that he and I were to meet up at Liam's place for a reason.

I took my leave from Mr. Knight's office and headed for my car. I put my bag in the passenger seat and started my drive to Liam's house.

While driving I was reminded that I had to tell Harry about this whole new move of mine. I know this is not going to sound good to him but I had made my decision.

After several traffic lights and honking at cars, I finally came on the familiar street. I parked my car right next to Harry's at Liam'a driveway. I got out of my car, locked it and ran up to the door and rang the doorbell.

"Louis! Haven't seen you in a long time!" Sophia welcomed me into the house. I didn't see Sophia after the wedding, even at the Hospital. I guess she wasn't around when I went to see Evan. "Yeah, I've been busy." I say and walk in.

"They're in the living room." she informs me.

"Is everything alright?" I ask her. "Yeah, just somethings that you and Harry might want to know." she replies with a small smile, I nod my head slightly and walked into the living room. I saw Liam, Niall and Harry seated on the couches, I joined Niall by sitting next to him.


Harry Edward Styles

I was on my way back from work when Liam called me and told me to meet him along with Louis at his place. I text Louis when I stopped at a traffic light to come over to Liam's.

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