24. I Wanna Be A Superman!

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Chapter 24 dedicated to - ombFlab (As Promised because of your creativity)

Louis William Tomlinson

Seven Days.

It's been seven days since that awkward makeout session of Callie and Jacob.

It's been seven days since I decided to take revenge for what Jacob did on my birthday. I had it all planned in my head.

I was excited for tonight, I did not even tell Harry about it, well not yet.

I looked down at my desk and groaned. Being a teacher meant completing a given task, if I didn't complete my task with precision then what image am I showing the students I teach. I lift my red pen and I kept all my thoughts aside and concentrated on correcting the assignments that lay in front of me.


It had come to the end of the day, an hour or two closer till my plan would be under action.

I wished some of my colleagues for a great weekend and walked like a very happy man to the parking area. I reached my car, unlocked it and got in. I put my seat belt on and start my car.

I drove out of the parking lot and drove home. The radio weren't playing the songs of my choice but I didn't bother much about it. All I was thinking about was tonight where Callie and I would go to pub like how we used to and have fun.

I parked my car in my drive way and unlocked the door of my house and stepped in. I placed my bag on one couch and crashed on the other. I switched on my psp and started playing Fifa on it. Somehow my mind wasn't anywhere near the game, all I could think about was tonight and Jacob couldn't steal this precious night away from me.

After an hour of Fifa and silly thoughts, I went in for a shower and then wore my regular skinny jeans and a greyish white t-shirt along with one of Callie's favorite jeans jacket I owned.

I got out of my house and availed myself to a taxi because it is waste of fuel if you're going to a pub to get drunk. You're surely not going to drive back in your own car. The taxi driver asked for my destination and I told him the place.

It took about forty five minutes for the driver to reach me to the pub. The roads were that jammed.

I pay the driver and got off the taxi and then walked into the pub. I walked to the bar counter and ordered myself a beer to drink while I waited for Callie's arrival but I was disappointed.

Disappointed and Furious.

I thought of being a gentleman but now, nobody could stop me.


Calliope Jane Edwards

I felt bad for letting Louis' plan down. I was all ready for it when Jacob called me that there was a car waiting outside my house for me. Upon asking what the purpose was, he told me it was a dinner date and that he had somethings to discuss...about our future.

Here I am, in a sleek black Mercedes, dressed in a knee length black dress for a classic Jacob's dinner date.

I leaned back on the seat and let out a sigh. Louis would be so mad at me for ditching him. On second thoughts, maybe he wouldn't. He might find something better to there instead of hanging out with me. He's been single for a while, maybe an evening at the pub would help him find someone who is hopefully good.

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