32. Under The Tree

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Calliope Jane Edwards

You never know what goes behind every celebrity that walks down the red carpet. You just see the dressed up celebrity walking and posing for media.

I am no celebrity and I don't intend to be one, but because my other half is famous I have help that I couldn't deny.

The hairstylist kept curling and styling my hair and I have a makeup artist painting my face with the best collection of make up.

Jacob was in the other room getting ready along with his stylist and artist.

A day went by fast and today is the third evening here in New York and tonight was the most important one. A small party to celebrate the top five young businessmen.

The stylist was done, so was the artist. I looked pretty good for a high profile party. I thank both of them for their great work after that I was left alone in front of the mirror.

As I admired myself in the mirror, I saw a pair of hands coming from the back of my neck and before I could even react I saw a diamond necklace placed on my neck. I felt Jacob lock the lock of the necklace and then place a small near my ear.

"Do you like it?" I heard him ask. My hand traveled along the Cartier that lay on my neck. "Well it does compliment my dress." I smile and turn around to see him.

"No, you look more beautiful." He smiled.

"You look handsome." I straighten his coat and rest my hands on his chest. "You look better and the camera will be on you tonight more than any of the businessmen." he chuckled and pulled me closer to him with his arms around my waist.

He pressed his lips on my forehead and then looked at me. "You know that I love you, right." I nod.
"I know and I love you too." I smile and say.

He let go of me and offered his hand. I placed my hand in his and we walked out of the room. In the elevator I kept checking if I looked fine. This was my first huge public event where there will be more cameras and more reporters.

We were escorted to the car that would be taking us to the ceremony.

I was nervous.

I kept looking outside the window, trying to distract myself with the well lit streets of New York. Whenever I turned to look at Jacob, he was either talking to someone on the phone or busy typing something.

Was this how my life is going to be? Accompanying him to every important event by dressing up?

You'll get used to soon , Callie.

I calm myself by taking a few deep breaths . The car stopped and I looked to the other side to see where we had exactly stopped. It was another hotel entrance and there were so many people from the media who were ready to take pictures and ask questions.

I felt Jacob's hand in mine. I looked at him and he had a small smile on his face.

"Don't worry, it will be fine." He tells me, I respond with a slight nod.

"Now, when we step out, just hold my hand. If we stop for a picture, give the best smile you can and lastly, if any of them asks any questions, don't answer them." he instructs me.

"Also, when we enter don't talk to strangers. If I introduce you them then have a small quick chat. People are not like what they seem plus, I don't want anybody to take you away because I'm sure there will be nobody in there who would be more beautiful than you." he tells me again.

I nod again and he gave me an assuring smile before the door opened and Jacob got out. He stood there and offered his hand to me so that I could get out of the car.

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