12. Confessions and Conditions

562 44 6

Harry Edward Styles

I sat on the bed for a really long time. I couldn't get any sleep and I didn't go home last night, I crashed at Louis' place.

I was sure that I wouldn't want to walk into a house with five girls who had their vague hours to sleep.

The sunlight was slowly poured through the curtains into the room. I got hold of my phone and checked the time

7:15 am

I couldn't sit on this bed anymore. I slowly got out of bed and walked out of the room and went down the stairs towards the kitchen. As much as I prefer drinking tea in the morning, I needed coffee today.

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw Louis sitting at the kitchen counter chair. He sat there with the newspaper and mug. When he put his mug down, he noticed me standing by the entrance

"Good morning " he greeted me with a smile "Morning to you too, when did you wake up?" I asked him. Louis is worse than me when it comes to not being a morning person. He could sleep till late afternoon also.

"I couldn't sleep" he replied and took another sip of his drink "What about you? Slept well?" He asked me

"No, just came turning around the bed" I answer and I walked to the coffee machine and poured the coffee in to a mug, added a little milk and sugar and walked over and sat next to Louis.

"So, last night really happened" I spoke

"It should have happened long back. I knew this day would come" he replied

"The thing is that you felt that him was okay from the beginning. When he kept taking her away on the days we were to meet, you said it was mean but we can't stop her from seeing him" he started to speak

"Louis, you wouldn't have known that he would cheat on her then, would you?" I question

"No, we wouldn't but I did tell you that we need to keep a close eye on him" he reminded me.

He got off the chair and walked to the fridge and got some milk. He walked with the milk carton to the counter. He took his favorite cereal, Lucky Charms, and put some in a bowl and poured the milk into it. He stirred it a bit and walked back to where he sat.

"I'm not making anything for breakfast." he informed me "If you want some cereal then you can have that but" he paused " in case you want something else for breakfast then you can make something or go home for breakfast" He tells me

"I'll have cereal today, plus I am really not in a mood to walk into my house right now" he nods.

I got up from the chair and went to fix my bowl of cereal. As I fixed my bowl, I started to wonder how to break this wedding. I just said it because I was angry with what Jacob did.

"Louis?" I called him, he lifted his head to look at me

"How do you plan to break this engagement/ wedding?" I asked him

"I never thought about it because you said we shouldn't some time back" he replied and went back to looking at his bowl and continued to eat

"So we actually don't know how to ruin it" I mumble and pour the milk into the bowl.


"And then we went to this typical Irish pub" Callie said with excitement "Niall told me that I need to be there at least once with family, so Dani, Kathy, Niall and I went and we got drunk" she told us

We got a message that Callie wanted to Skype with us because she missed us like anything. It's just been a day and I felt like three days went by. We sat in Louis' room and we were Skyping with Callie and Dani.

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