About- Jacob Carlisle Jackson

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Jacob Carlisle Jackson was brought up in royalty. Right when he was a small boy, his parents gave him whatever he would ask for, you could even say..he is a spoilt brat.

Jacob belonged to a well known businessman who knew the royal family till an extent.

Being rich and spoilt, Jacob never really had to attend school, he was home schooled. Hence when he became a teenager, all he could do is spend his life outside at parties or at bars.

He was soon known as a playboy. Sounds perfect to go with being rich and being spoilt, but it all changed two years back when he met Calliope.

There was some charm of Callie that did not make him act like how he would when he met any girl at the bar. He became...nice, romantic and was no longer a very spoilt brat.

But it's really not that easy to change or be the person you are not.

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