15. Thanksgiving Dinner

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Harry Edward Styles

I buttoned up my shirt as I stood in front of my mirror and kept wondering how tonight's dinner will be.

Mr. Jackson has invited everybody, that includes Louis' and my family as well. Our families didn't have much of an issue when comes to such things because they always thought Callie as one of their own so they would do anything for her.

As I buttoned my last button on my shirt, my phone buzzed. I took it to see Louis had texted me

KingTommo: Heading home to pick up my sisters

I chuckled a little. It was some task to get all his siblings in his car while his mum and her husband went in their car.

HStyles: Okay. See you later mate

I kept phone on the table and then slowly started to tuck in my shirt. For some reason someone was praying that I wouldn't finish dressing up fast. My phone started to ring and I picked up the call

"Babe, tell me what you are wearing?" I heard her lovely voice "A white shirt and an unbuttoned pant which I would have buttoned if you hadn't called me now" I reply, 

"I would love to see you then" she giggled "You know that can't happen" I tell her "I know I know but Harry, I am standing so clueless in front of my cupboard! I have nothing to wear!" she exclaimed "Love, that cupboard is overflowing with dresses. Just pick one out and wear it, you'll look perfect" I told her

"You don't understand. I. have. nothing. to wear" she told me. It wasn't the first time I've had girls say this "Why don't you wear that orange dress you wore sometime back" I suggested to her

"I'm not an orange or a pumpkin on Thanksgiving"

"Then why not the green one?" I suggested

"Am I leprechaun? Or am I going to attend Ireland's Independence day" I let out sigh "I know what to wear!" she exclaimed. Finally!


"A bikini" she cooed "Dani, you're not wearing that" I became all serious "Will you get jealous, Styles?" she mocked 

I did not respond to that

"Alright Alright, I was just kidding. I'll wear the blue dress" she giggled "That better be decent" I warned her "Don't worry Harry, I'm all yours" she assured 

"Fine, now get off the phone and get dressed" I told "Sure, see you later babe" she says and declines the call.

I tucked in my shirt and buttoned my pant and put on my belt. I sat on my bed and put on my ankle length boots. I then  took the long coat that hung in my cupboard and wore it on top of my shirt.

I checked myself in front of the mirror. I looked sophisticated.

I bought this coat for such occasions that we had to attend at the Jackson Household. Like the one today.

I got out of my room and I saw my sister, all dressed up.

Oh, good news! Her strange friends left yesterday! The peace!!

"You look all extra manly" she comments as she checked my attire "Who are you going there to impress?" she smirked

"Nobody. As far as I know..I'm going for a dinner at my best friend's fiance's house" I answer "Question is, who are you going to impress with that dress" I smirk too

"Well, it's a formal event. I might bump into some good lads there" she shrugs

"Gemma, sorry to disappoint you but it's a family only dinner" I remind her "All are taken" I tell her

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