11. Halloween Pool Party

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Louis William Tomlinson

I stood in front of my mirror and fixed my bow tie. I settled my hair in the way I wanted and then I reached for the mask I was supposed to wear.

A formal masquerade Halloween Pool Party.


I looked at myself again in the mirror and then walked out of my room and headed downstairs. I grabbed my car keys and my wallet which I left on the dinning table.

I locked my house and walked to my car. I got in and took in a few breathes and soon started the car.

I drove to Harry's house and I found him standing outside. I thought of going in but I guess that ain't happening. As soon as he spotted my car, he ran up and got into the passenger seat and put on his seat belt.

"Why were you standing outside?" I asked him "Nothing. Just drive" he told me and as he said I started to drive and soon increased the speed.

"Did I mention to you that along with my sister, her friends have also come along?" He looked at me and spoke

"There are chicks in your house and you look horrified " I chuckle

"They are quiet monsters that you wouldn't want to be with" he told me and looked outside "Plus, I can not disappoint people" he adds to his words

"How are you going to disappointing anybody? You're single from what I know" I quickly take a glance of him and go back to looking on the road ahead of me

"Umm, Actually there is something I haven't told you?" he softly replied. I didn't respond to it, just continued to drive

"I've been in a relationship for six months" he tells me.

I stopped the car. No not on the side but for the traffic signal.

"You've been dating for six months and now you're telling me. You tell me about every girl you flirt with or even talk to" I look at him and tell him "I wasn't quiet sure how this would work but now I guess it might work" he spoke

"Okay. Now that you told me that you are dating, may I know the girl?" I ask and I prepared myself to drive as the traffic light turned green.

"You actually know her"he starts

"Harry, I really don't want a guess the person game. I'm driving to a party that I actually have no interest in" I warn him. He loves playing the famous "Guess the person"

"Dani" he spoke out.

I stopped the car. Abruptly. In the middle of the road.

I showed my hand for the cars behind me to go ahead before they start to honk. I quickly turned my head to face him

"You're kidding right?"

"No, I'm not and I think it's best you continue driving" I nod and I start driving again

"You've been dating behind our backs and you never told me even once about it?" he stayed silent

"Do you have any idea how Callie might react to this?" I ask him

"You don't have to worry about that. She wouldn't really have a problem with me going out with Callie" he tells me

"Yeah right. You don't even know her right now" I scoff

"Speaks a guy who doesn't want her to know about your feeling and the same guy went around dating and his previous relationship was no where stable" he scoffed

"You did not"

"Oh I did, Louis" he snapped and looked out the window.

I didn't know how to react, I just continued to drive. I never expected him to say all of those. Not from him at least.

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