She turns and looks at me, "You better go get ready. We'll be leaving soon to go to the clubhouse."

I nod my head, "Alright." I say, leaning forward and placing a kiss on her cheek.

I walk over to Jax and Clay, "Mind taking him while I go shower?" I ask.

"Sure babe." Jax says and I hand Abel over to him.

I place a kiss on his cheek before walking into the bedroom to grab some clothes. I quickly jump into the shower and wash my body before getting out. After dressing in my underwear and bra I pull on some short shorts, a black tank top and a red flannel to go over the top. I feel a wave of morning sickness overcome me and I rush to the toilet, letting it all out. I bend over the bowel when I hear the door open, "You okay babe?" Jax asks.

I nod my head weakly, "Yeah. I tell you what, this is one thing I did not miss about being pregnant." I say as I get up and flush the toilet.

I walk to the basin and wash out my mouth and Jax stands behind me with Abel in his arms, "See son? Your Mom is just getting ready to have your little brother." Jax says.

I smile at them through the mirror as I get my toothbrush and begin to brush my teeth, "You wanna go shower and I'll get him ready?" I ask.

"Sure babe." He says, handing me Abel.

Jax closes the door and strips off and goes to shower and I smack his ass before he goes in. He playfully smacks mine back and I chuckle, finishing off my teeth. I step out and let him shower and I go to the bag by my door and bend down to pick it up. I hear the shower running in Gemma and Clay's ensuite as I rifle through the bag and grab some clothes for Abel.

I dress him in some jeans and a T-Shirt when the door opens and Jax walks in. I bend over Abel on the bed and put on his socks when a feel a hand on my ass and I smile. I pull Abel up and he reaches for his father, Jax taking him in his arms. I walk to my bag and grab some socks and my converses, walking to the bed. I sit down as Jax pulls out some clothes from the the bag and he lays Abel on the bed while we dress.

We are back to our normal routine, even if it is only for this one day. We all quickly make our way out and meet Gemma and Clay in the kitchen, "Mind taking some stuff to the car baby?" She asks me and I nod my head.

I grab two of the bowls of pancake mixture and make my way out to the car, Clay following behind me with two more. I place one of the bowls on the roof and open the door, quickly placing the bowls on the seat. I step out of the way and Clay places his on the seat and he shuts the door. We make our way back inside to see Gemma putting plastic over the last bowl.

"Alright, we gotta get going." She says, grabbing two bowls as well as her bag while Clay grabs the last two and they make their way out to the car.

Jax walks into the room with the diaper bag over his shoulder and Abel in his arm and we turn and make our way outside, locking the door behind me. We walk to Gemma's car and Jax puts Abel in his seat, clipping on his seatbelt. I take the diaper bag and put it on the floor and shut the door behind me. Jax walks around to my side of the car and places his hands on my hips, "Meet you at the clubhouse?"

I nod my head and place my hands on his shoulders, "See you then."

He gives me one of his american boy grins before leaning down and giving me a kiss. He steps back and walks away to his bike. I turn and see Gemma give Clay a kiss as I get into the car. Gemma climbs in after a moment and I hear the bikes start before they ride off to the clubhouse. Gemma starts the car and we make our way after them.

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