Chapter 10 - Drunk

Start from the beginning

Kara mood lightened up a little when he blushed. She was a little depressed for weeks but as soon as he was around she felt so much better.

"Damien went to my office last week." Stefan turned serious.

"What? Why?"

"He said you've yelled at him."

Kara nodded with regret in her tone, "Yes I did...."

"He said it's unusual for you to yell at him. You yelled at me a lot though."

"I never yelled at you." She protested, her face looked horrified when she stared at him. "Did I?"

"Well, not actually yelling, but you drove me crazy on weekly basis..." Stefan answered her honestly.

"Sorry....." surprisingly she apologised instead of giving him a cheeky answer.

Stefan gulped his beer and waited for her to talk more. She seemed under a lot of pressure. She looked paler than usual, her hair was a little messy, no more pretty ponytail or fancy bun, no more curled fringe. Her nails were undone and her make up wasn't that visible as if she was just applying it because she had to. Not that she looked less beautiful, in fact Stefan liked her without make up, he just noticed. But it was really unusual for her to look this plain. She was always maintained her name that the fashion magazines gave her, Miss Glamorous. She was symbol of the fashion trend in the country. She had lines of stylists and designers ready to help her anytime she wanted and surprisingly today she didn't use any.

"Is everything okay?" Stefan frowned.

She seemed that she lost her battle and he needed to know what, not that he cared, he was just too nosy.

Oh, he cared... a little...

No a lot! He cared a lot.

Kara could be annoying, someone who was mooning over him, asking him a lot of questions, criticizing him on his every move and the one that he thought never leave but once she was gone, Stefan kind of missed her.

Kara didn't hear his question, she was deep in her own thought.

"Kara?" Stefan called her and this time she turned her head away from her empty wine glass to look into his eyes, wondering why did he call her Kara instead of usual Miss Evil or hey you Nasty Witch?

"You looked off, are you okay?" again he repeated his question, concern in his eyes.

"Oh um, yeah I am fine." She replied.

"Is it about the date?" Stefan didn't let it go easy.


"Yes, that man?"

"Oh nah, nothing about him." Kara shrugged and raised her hand to call the bartender from the other side of the bar. She ordered two shots.

"Drink with me?" she pushed one shot toward Stefan and quickly gulped hers. Stefan followed then she order another shots and gulped the content in one go.

Oh she wanted to get wasted?

Stefan kept his drink in his hand, didn't want to have it right away or Kara would top it up. He needed to be sober for her. A pretty girl got drunk alone wasn't a wise move and he would regret it if anything happened to her.

Hell he wanted her to get hit by a bus or run over by a train but it was weeks ago. He had grown softer toward her lately, especially when she didn't turn up into his office for a while. He missed her and tonight she seemed like a normal vulnerable 26 years old girl who needed friend to vent and he would be there for her.

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