Start from the beginning

My heart just melted. I had no fucking clue what to do. Seeing the panic in his eyes took my mind off my panic and shock, at least for the moment. I was left only with the need to comfort him.

I leaned in and kissed him softly. My eyes were closed as I felt our lips meet. When I opened them, I saw Cole looking sidelong at the door. He pulled back.

"Khalil, what do I do? What do I say? I can't fuckin' believe this is happening!" he sat up, pushed the covers off and stood, dazed and confused.I watched him look around for clothes. He went to the loveseat and picked up the robe I had worn from the floor beside it.

He noticed it had dried cum all over it and tried to decide what to do with it. He started walking around from place to place and back again, speeding up as he got more frantic, finally throwing the robe into a wooden box under the model airplane table. He pulled a pair of shorts out of the dresser and started to step into them; but changed his mind. He threw them down and went back to dig in the drawer. He stopped in mid motion and turned my way.

"Oh shit! Your clothes are in the gym! Fuck!" He threw his arms up in surrender. "What are we gonna do?" His arms fell heavily to his side and he sat back against the dresser, shaking his head.

I looked at his amazingly beautiful body and worried if I had missed kissing or licking any little area, any centimeter. My tongue tingled with the knowledge of his skin, feeling the blood pulsing in the veins beneath it, the muscles flexing, his heartbeat reverberating through his pores, his scent inebriating me, and I thought of the little symphony of sounds his stomach made when I laid my head on it, basking in the glow...I took in the view of him and cursed myself for becoming aroused even in a crisis like this. I looked away from my Adonis and made myself stay in the present.

"You have anything that might fit me in here?" I asked hesitantly.


He went into the bathroom and came back out with the robe he'd worn, tossing it to me. He went to the dresser and pulled out some briefs, sweatpants and a tee shirt. He looked like he was getting control of himself. He got dressed at the love seat, then stood up and looked at me.

"You gotta wear the robe out there, Khalil. I know that makes it even worse, but everything I've got is way too big for you, it'd just fall off, or at least be real obvious they ain't your clothes.

""Cole-- I can't go down there." My heart raced, and I couldn't breathe. It didn't matter to me if I was clothed or naked-- I just couldn't face Her, after what she'd seen and the looks she gave me. He tried to sound comforting,

"Ya got no choice, Khalil..."

"Did you see how she looked at me!? There's no way I can face her! I can't go out there, Cole! She hates me!"

"She don't even know you. It's me she'll be after." He came to me and picked the robe up and held it in front of me as he spoke. I stared at the full, probably obscene, bulge in his sweatpants.

"You can't stay in here forever, she'll fucking come 'n get you-- I know my mom." I took the robe and held it. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"We don't have any options, baby. We gotta go down there. Oh! Hey! Wait, I could go get your clothes from the gym!" he look was like, duh! "Yeah, I'll be right back!"

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