The Awakening of the Vampire Princess Ch.30

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         The two witches looked like they were twins. I wouldn’t say they were older than ten-years old. They were children. I swallowed the bile that wanted to rise up my throat. Both of them were decapitated, however they also had a rope around their throat and were hanging from a high tree. The twins were holding their heads in their hands. Both of the faces had the mouths open, as if they wanted to scream but couldn’t.

         Of course, that wasn’t the scary part. The scary part was the fact the bodies were naked; all three of them. They had a message carved into them. However, it wasn’t so much a message as it was three names; Rebecca, Tom and David. Beware.

         My heart sped up at the scene and tears started to fall when I noticed another message written in the mud.

      Your time has come to an end. All the witches dead, I said! Levine will get her due and Amber the Black will too. So beware you worthless immortals, run for your lives, run for your portals.

        “What a sick rhyme,” Lyle exclaimed, his voice full of disgust. I could only numbly nod and angry. Amber was a monster. There was nothing more to be said. She was out of control. Crazy. How I wished she was crazy. Then I could blame her insanity, yet deep down I knew she was completely sane when she did this; call it a witch’s instinct.

        “My Amber...why darling?” my mom sobbed, slouching onto the ground, clawing at message. Lyle immediately ran to her and restrained her hands behind her back.

       “The Council will want to see this,” he told her coldly, as if we were talking about the weather. Not someone’s execution.

         Just then the sky crackled, as if it too were angry. I looked up and noticed storm clouds approaching.

         “Amber didn’t do this!” mother yelled, snapping at Lyle and trying to claw at him.

         “Yes she did. Her name is on it,” he calmly answered. I wanted to rip his throat out. My sister didn’t deserve this kind of faith.

          “Shut up!” Justin growled.

           “You do realise she will be coming soon and it’s just a matter of time,” Catherine said, staring at the bodies as if this was a normal occurrence.

           “Of course she will. That’s why I’m here,” Lyle replied easily.

          Catherine laughed at him.

          “You’re nothing more than a stone in her way. She’ll just flick you and you’ll disappear. You can’t grasp her power.”

          “I’m one of the strongest Council members in history,” Lyle boasted.

          “Then I bet the Council is just a bunch of weaklings if your one of the strongest. You can’t even begin to fathom the powers of the Dark Realm.”

          “The Dark what?” I asked. I never heard of the term before. Catherine clammed up, as if something that wasn’t supposed to slip out did.

          “I wouldn’t push your luck Vulk,” Lyle growled.

           “What? Is your wittle incy wincy Council going to behead me? Bring it.”

        “You’ll wish you were never born.”

        “It’s a bit too late for that,” Catherine snarled, her canines elongating and her nose touching Lyle’s. He jumped back as if she struck him.

         “Afraid?” Catherine asked, her voice more of a distorted growl now. Lyle stayed still, not saying anything, just looking at Catherine in fear.

         “Not even those Guardians would save you.”

         I decided to intervene before she tore his throat out, no matter how much he deserved it.

        “Break it up.”

        Catherine held up her hands in surrender and shot me a feral grin.

          “You’re the boss.”

           Lyle studied the dead bodies around us once again.

          “It’s impossible that we had an exile under our nose all this time.”

          “Goes to show what a great job the Council does,” Justin mocked. I shivered at the three dead bodies that surrounded it. What she did was cruel. It was beyond cruel. No longer was this the Amber I knew. She became something else all together; a monster.

          “I need to report back. I’ll be back by tomorrow and if anything happens I want to know,” Lyle ordered and disappeared.

          “Coward!” Catherine spat.

          “A slime bag,” Justin agreed.

          “What’s wrong with you lately?” David asked.

         “Nothing,” Justin snapped defensively, yet deep down I knew the answer. I only hoped he wouldn’t go through what I went through.

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