Chapter 12

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I woke up and I wasn't feeling well at all ,Lilly had to go to school without me. My face hurts ,my eyes where blurry like I couldn't see ,I stayed in my room the whole day ,I didn't even eat anything,Lilly got back to school. "Tell me all about your date girl"I said "Well Jake said I looked beautiful took me to this restaurant and we talked ,we sort of clicked ,we laughed a lot ,he then took me ice skating ,which was fun even though I kept on falling but he kept on making me feel good about it ,he then kissed me ,I was surprised I didn't feel his fangs ,but the moon was beautiful and he also told me since when he liked me and I was pleased to here such ,Zoe thanks a lot girl I owe you so much now"said Lilly ,"No Lilly you don't ,its what best friends are for "I said "So tell me have you talked to Blake yet "asked Lilly "Ahh I haven't seen him since last week ,it will be better to tell him I like him,I just love how he laughs and has his dark side ,how each girl wants him but doesn't have an eye for non ,his just himself that's what I adore about him I can't believe I'm leaving Sunday "I said "Yeah,so is Jake"Lilly looked down ,she's right since Jake is my protector he has to come with me "But they said Blake will be looking after me "I said "Well Jake will escort you and have new orders ,I hope he'll stay "said Lilly and I hugged her tightly "Don't worry Jake has super speed he'll see you whenever he wants "I said and she smiled "Ow Yeah I forgot about that "she said and we smiled at each other .

We watched the whole collection of Twighlight "Girl,I swear I'll pick to be with a werewolf ,if I had to choose ,vampires are cold and don't feel cold ,but werewolves they got muscle plus they keep you warm when cold"I said Lilly laughs "I'm okay with my vampire "said Lilly "Vampires are cool,but Jasper dammmm,he definitely amazes me every time ,Emmeth now those are muscles ,but unfortunately I'll get old dudes at the castle who pretend they monks "I cried "Chill out it won't be that bad girl,just get all negativity out of you nowww"said Lilly I breathed and tried to think positive "But come to think of it they are old dudes some are in their 700's "said Lilly and I laughed "Yeah dude more like 700BC ,they basically fossils "I said and we laugh,and my teeth start to hurt I screamed out a lot it really hurts "Help!!,Zayn,Susan,Bruce!!Jake!Get in here !"shouted Lilly "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!"I cried "Zoe"said Susan and everyone was there "Zoe what's wrong ?"asked Bruce "My teeth,they hurt ,its like they tryna go back out and in again "I said as I pointed which teeth "Ahhh your fangs are suppose to grow there ,its starting its time to groom her "said Bruce "Susan bring me,the soup in the fridge ,and no pain killers for you,just concentrate on heeling ,you'll get it "said Bruce "Soup brought back"said Susan "If you can't heal yourself ,you won't be able to drink any blood or eat again ,let's give her space "said Bruce everyone cleared out "But... Bruce I don't know how ?"I said while hurting "Your happy place in the world? What makes you happy? What makes you escapes this place? All that stuff,you can do it Zoe ,if you can't you won't wat until you turn into a vampire ,and even then your fangs will be weak "Bruce closed the door .

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Ahhhh"I screamed .I had to do this ,happy place happy place where are you. The pain was unbearable ,think think happy place happy thought I was sweating .Then I needed a happy thought something that made me escape ,then I realise that Bruce wasn't just saying that first I needed something that made me escape this pain and place ,secondly what makes me happy,thirdly my happy place in the world... Music escapes me ,singing makes me happy ,my favourite place in the world is the tree house with Susan and Zayn ,and when Dad held me in this arms that is where I wish I could be ,I had to do this. I got up the pain was even more painful I couldn't see where I was going I took out my eyephones and my iPad played my favourite song played Sia 1000 Forms Of Fear 'Fire Meet Gasoline' I played that song it seems like the pain was becoming lesser,as the chorus came on I sang along ★†Flaming candle me ,fire meet gasoline ,fire meet gasoline I'm burning alive I can nearly breath when you here loving me fire meet gasoline ,Fire Meet Gasoline... I got all I need when you came next to me Fire meet Gasoline I'm burning I can nearly breath,when you here loving me Fire Meet Gasoline burn with me tonight ..★† the pain became less ,then it seems like my favourite place appeared and it wasn't the tree house ,it was where dad hugged me for the first time it was as if I was in his arms ,I was away from the pain as if I was really there I was hugging him "Now let me see those fangs"said My dad as I opened my mouth as soon as my mouth was wide open it felt like my vampire teeth were growing "Ahhhh good strong and healthy"as my dad examined them he touched them and saw that they where stable and didn't jiggle around "That's my girl,I'll see you Monday evening "he kissed my forehead and I weren't back to were I was seated with the same song on repeat ,I got up walked to the mirror I saw fangs I examined them and they weren't back in. I set down and drunk the soup Bruce made me ,it was delicious I wonder what's in it ,it was warm and red soup with carrots in them I think its tomato soup,but funny I don't taste any tomato in it I finished the soup ,I got up from bed walked downstairs with the bowl in my hand and it seems like everyone was waiting for me ."Are you okay?"asked Zayn "I'm fine Zayn ,everyone I'm fine ,intact I saw how my fangs are going to look like and I saw dad too"I smiled Bruce nodded and smiled "Huh vamp girl finally came out of her slumber"said Cole "God damm you still here I thought you left already"I said "Bruce what was in your soup it was delicious gave me a lot of strength too"I said really proud of him "Its warmed blood"he said

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